Need help choosing the right skimmer size. Does it make a difference?


New member
I have a 29 cube with a nano sump and an Eshopps pk75H running in it now. ATO with Kalk reactor (just bought from a local member Alex) and Phosphate/carbon reactors. Setting it up as a mixed reef tank with a Kessil A80. My question is, what are the advantages/disadvantages of running a skimmer rated way above what is recommended? I have a AquaC EV-180 (up to 180 gal) that I would rather use because the maintenance would be less frequent. My theory is that it may run properly for a while but because of the flow rate through it (800 gph pump) I'm assuming it will be pulling way more nutrients than the tank could produce so I will have an unbalanced skimmer production? i already have the equipment so it's a matter of which one do I get rid of?
U could always run it on a timer so your not running it all day to balance it out or stock heavy lol
or run it real dry so there wont be lot of skimmate and some nutrients stay in the water longer ..

with your setup ... with phosphate and carbon reactors ..its way too much already :)
or run it real dry so there wont be lot of skimmate and some nutrients stay in the water longer ..

with your setup ... with phosphate and carbon reactors ..its way too much already :)

So just stick with the Eshopps PSK75H instead of larger AquaC EV-180? I also have Chaeto in refuge.

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or run it real dry so there wont be lot of skimmate and some nutrients stay in the water longer ..

with your setup ... with phosphate and carbon reactors ..its way too much already :)

I plan on stocking it heavy load
So just stick with the Eshopps PSK75H instead of larger AquaC EV-180? I also have Chaeto in refuge.

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I plan on stocking it heavy load
im not familiar with either of those skimmer .. but its a good idea to limit the skimmer rated 3 times the size of the tank you are running it on ..
heavy load in a 29 cube is anything more than 4 fish :) ...excess nutrients is not the only thing that kills fish ... even if they are just chromis .. add too many and they start picking on the weakest one by one until there is a balance again which is 4 ..

what all fish do you have right now ?
im not familiar with either of those skimmer .. but its a good idea to limit the skimmer rated 3 times the size of the tank you are running it on ..
heavy load in a 29 cube is anything more than 4 fish :) ...excess nutrients is not the only thing that kills fish ... even if they are just chromis .. add too many and they start picking on the weakest one by one until there is a balance again which is 4 ..

what all fish do you have right now ?

I have no fish right now but doing research now on what to place inside the tank.
if you keep up with water changes ..say about 5 gallon every two weeks and not feed too much ( like only feed a little every cpl days ) get fish that eat algae .. you dont even need a skimmer ..