What is your fastest growing coral in your tank? Zoa talk


New member
What is your fastest growing coral in your tank? SPS/LPS/etc..

What is/was your fastest growing coral? Utter Chaos zoa
Also what is/was your slowest growing coral? Blue hornet zoa
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SPS: Purple Stylo

Zoa: Armor of God

Chalice: Holywood Stunner (sold colony)


SPS: Jadon Fox Homewrecker

Zoa: I'll have to get a pic (forgot the name)been a single polyp for a long time

Chalice: WWC Superfly and firepower

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SPS: Purple Stylo

Zoa: Armor of God

Chalice: Holywood Stunner (sold colony)


SPS: Jadon Fox Homewrecker

Zoa: I'll have to get a pic (forgot the name)been a single polyp for a long time

Chalice: WWC Superfly and firepower

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Intersting! Thx for the post reply! Ya i heard hollywood is a fast grower!
I have a few that have grown quickly. Some like the Walt Disney took forever to start but is now one of my faster growers. Pink Lemonade is also a fast grower but needs a lot of time to encrust.

My WWC Grafted cap hasn't changed much in 2 years although my other caps have become weeds, I will give that the award for slowest.
Quickest would be my hornets nest zoas. In a month and a half I went from 9 polyps to 23.

Slowest would probably (believe it or not) is my green star polyps. Ive had it the longest and only recently did it start branching out