Tank maintenance


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Been awhile guys how’s everyone been? Well I’ve neglected my tank something bad, between work kids and just life I have so much great hair algae and coralline algae in my tank i don’t know what to do. I haven’t lost any fish and my bubble tips are fine don’t have any corals anymore thinking I’m going to just make this a bta tank which is fine with me less headache. Any help on where to start getting this back in-line I’m sorta lost thanks
Hi Keith. Nice to see you back. Good advice from ninjamyst. For the coralline algae you'll either have to scrape with a razor blade or get an urchin.
Is this yeast infection medication? I just looked it up is there a certain brand to buy? Sorry to bother you about it but this medicine is very new to me

Not sure what's in it exactly, but I just know it works for bryopsis and GHA. I think [MENTION=189]trackfast[/MENTION] is selling some right now or you can buy it on Ebay. Look for Reef Flux. It helped me beat out GHA when I had dino / cyano / GHA outbreak. I have used it in multiple tanks and no negative effect on corals or fish. Just make sure you mix it real good before adding it to your tank.
Not sure what's in it exactly, but I just know it works for bryopsis and GHA. I think [MENTION=189]trackfast[/MENTION] is selling some right now or you can buy it on Ebay. Look for Reef Flux. It helped me beat out GHA when I had dino / cyano / GHA outbreak. I have used it in multiple tanks and no negative effect on corals or fish. Just make sure you mix it real good before adding it to your tank.

Hey man thanks a lot will look into it.