What Products Have You Found Best For Dosing?


I didn't see this post so I wanted to open up a conversation on dosing to see what everyone likes... I am regularly dosing Seachams Aquavitro but it comes at a premium. I'm using Vibrance, Calcification, Eight-Four, Ions and Balance during the week. Does anyone like some less expensive brands that have worked for them? Mainly I am focused on my PH balance, Calcium, Mag and Alk levels. Any input is appreciated!

For cal/alk, I dose BRS lab grade Kalk through my top off. I dose BRS mag as needed, but not very often.

For other stuff that is less necessary, I dose brightwell iron to help my macros grow. I dose KZ coral vitalizer which I believe gives me good PE. I also dose the KZ 4 part system. I dose KZ Iodine from time to time. However.....non of this is probably necessary and I only dose it when I think of it, not on a schedule. I should really knock it off. I dose NoPox to keep my nitrates in check.

Don’t do as I do!
Thanks for the comment. That's kind of why I asked the question - I am looking at a bunch of other brand items that I randomly dose here and there and honestly I'm not sure they even help! So I wanted to get back to the basics and restock the chemicals I know help - I'll check out the BRS brand. Thanks
I used to dose Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium powder and Magnesium powder daily when I kept SPS.... simple and quick.
Brs for cal, alk, and mag. Trace elements are done with Fuel and Red Sea Trace Colors since I hardly ever do water changes.
I used to dose Tropic Marin Bio-Calcium powder and Magnesium powder daily when I kept SPS.... simple and quick.

I was surprised when you told me this, but your tank was loaded with SPS and looked great. I’m surprised that using this product is almost unheard of.

By the way, I still have one of the two black snowflakes I bought from you.
I was surprised when you told me this, but your tank was loaded with SPS and looked great. I’m surprised that using this product is almost unheard of.

By the way, I still have one of the two black snowflakes I bought from you.

Yeah, I am surprised that more people don't use it. Tropic Marin makes great products.

Glad to hear one is still hanging in there... those were some beautiful clowns!