Monti Cap Mounting


Just got my first Monti Cap.

It's currently on a plug but once I pop it off is super glue gel or epoxy best to mount caps?

Just got my first Monti Cap.

It's currently on a plug but once I pop it off is super glue gel or epoxy best to mount caps?


Both. Put a little glue on the edge you want to glue. Then a little rolled string of epoxy, then more super glue, then stick it to the rock. The glue provides the stick and the epoxy pales it so the surfaces conform to each other.
Both. Put a little glue on the edge you want to glue. Then a little rolled string of epoxy, then more super glue, then stick it to the rock. The glue provides the stick and the epoxy pales it so the surfaces conform to each other.

It’s great that someone else understands this
So many people think epoxy is glue
Great explanation