Need your opinion, please.


Hi. After 18 years reefing I sold my 125 Reef tank 3 years ago. It was a mistake. I'm coming back. I was looking at maybe 180 Fish Only so I can have Fishes that never could in Reef Tank but I decided against it. Fishes with no corals don't look right for me...😊 So simple question, help me please. Standard 125 as I had before or 80 gal Rimless. 125 is 6' long which is nice. Rimless is only 4". But Rimless is 2' deep that I really like compare 18' for 125. Which one would you guys recommended? It will be Mixed Reef with Fishes.
I’ve got a 4’ 75gal, and I wish it was 6’ long. 18” height i like, and that is hard enough to get to the bottom, more depth is not appealing to me. Have fun with your decision.
I’ve got a 4’ 75gal, and I wish it was 6’ long. 18” height i like, and that is hard enough to get to the bottom, more depth is not appealing to me. Have fun with your decision.
That 24" what I like is you can build like Island ( can't do it with 18" deep) and Fish can swim around. Would be cool I think...
What type of fish are you looking to keep? Tangs would prefer the extra length over the extra depth. If you do more "nano" fish like cardinals, goby, clownfish you dont need to worry so much about a 6' length.
After few sleepless nights 🤪 I think 125 would be better.. just know what wife will say " what, you had exactly the same Tank, you sold it for basically nothing and now buying again same thing?" O my....😳
I would go with the 6ft 125 w/corner overflows. I ran one of those for 7yrs and all the tangs did very well. I know it's tempting to go with the 24" depth, BUT i found that i don't like how far it comes out from the wall at that 24". I know that may sound weird, but I like it tighter to the wall