Do you post on other reef sites

Do you post on or utilize other reef sites?

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Premium member
Hello CR,
I wanted to get more folks involved in and on Chicago Reefs. As a science major, I am always after empirical data. So my first step into helping the site with interesting conversation is to find out do you post on other reef sites? If so which sites? This is something we can all engage let's have healthy discussion :)
I will be posting another thread tomorrow less the poll. This is good to hear. We have a local knowledge base here with great folks here.
Although I check CR daily, I do go to R2R mainly for Randy Holmes Farley and his expertise. If I have a question that needs to be answered, I would google it and it's usually R2R that would be the first on the list.
Although I check CR daily, I do go to R2R mainly for Randy Holmes Farley and his expertise. If I have a question that needs to be answered, I would google it and it's usually R2R that would be the first on the list.
So you would say there is certain expertise not on CR that you are looking for?
I've been a member on R2R since before I found CR, so it has always been a place for me to do research. I never posted as much, although I am starting to become more active on there. Reefcentral I only use occasionally.
So you would say there is certain expertise not on CR that you are looking for?

I would say this is true. There is so much to know in this hobby. More people know more stuff....but along with that, with more people, you have more blowhards that act like they know but don’t.
I'm actually not a R2R member.

Mostly CR, RC, and Nano-Reef.

Anyone know what happened to Uberfrags? I still have the bookmark but haven't been on that site in YEARS.