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Hours of Operation:
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5401 Patton Drive #105
Lisle, Illinois 60532
Jan 2014 Featured LFS - Reefwise Lisle, IL
As most of you guys probably know, we are celebrating our 2 year aniversary! We sincerly thank all of you for your continued support!
For those of you that are new to us or have not stop in a while, here is the overview:
Our retail coral display is a 3,400 gallon trough filled with 1,000s of corals and frags for sale! Our coral trough measures 4' x 52' which is the equivalent of having 35 forty gallon breeder tanks of coral. The basis for this system is live rock covered with cryptic sponges, live sand, and a 2 Skimz protein skimmers. Some of this live rock has been with Brian for almost 30 years! On a daily basis we feed our coral Oyster feast, Nutramar Ova, Live Phytoplankton, and Reef Nutrition Roe. On a weekly basis we target feed reef pearls.
Lighting is provided by 17 Ecotech Radion Pro LED fixtures and 2 ATI T5 fixtures. This was a big change considering Brian has been using metal halides for almost 20 years!
The display is kept kept clean by black tangs, powder brown tangs, a tommini tang, kole tangs, melanurus wrasses, six line wrasses, flame pipefish, mandarins, hermits, crabs, stars, and snails.
To help mitigate pests, all of the coral is given baths upon arrival and at certain frequencies afterwards while in our system. For example Zoas/Pays and Acans get fresh water baths. LPS get baths in Flatworm Exit and Coral RX. Lastly, SPS get their dips in a bayer solution.
You may not have noticed yet but Brian made the racks in the frag trough removable to allow for easy removal with the frags in them and then easily fit directly in one of his bath containers! Giving 100s of frags a week their baths has never been easier!
As most of you know we are always on the hunt for rare fish! For example, as I am writing this we have the following rare fish in stock (as well as others): Tigerpyge Angelfish, Joculator Angelfish, Greenei Triggerfish, Black Bandit Angelfish, Black Tangs, Cocopeel Angelfish, Aberrant Flame Angelfish, Hybrid Achilles x Goldrim Tangs, Pin Tail Flasher Wrasse, etc.
We also have favorites in stock as well! Scribbled Angelfish, Male Rhomboid Wrasses, Flame Wrasse Pairs, Purple Tangs, Heniochus diphreutes, Sargassum Triggerfish, Crosshatch Triggerfish, Dwarf Golden Moray Eels, Male Linatus Wrasses, Borbonius Anthias, Sunburst Anthias, Goldflake Angelfish, ect.
I also believe it is worth mentioning that we take pride in feeding our fish a varied diet. For example, fish such as tangs, butterlfies, angels, and moorish idols will get fed seaweed strips or SeaVeggies along with the frozen preps, spectrum pellets, and flake food. We also enrich the frozen preps with Selcon for added nutritional value.
Our fish systems total approximately 3,000 gallons. Here are the specs/process:
Quarantine / New Arrival System - This is an 800 gallon system where all new fish arrivals first go. Upon arrival, newly acquired fish get a medicated bath to mitigate external infections before entering into this system. This quarentine system features a 335 Watt UV Sterolizer, K1 Media, and a Skimz protein skimmer. This system has high flow, bare bottom, NO liverock, and NO sand to help mitigate any disease/pests. The tanks gets scrubbed and the pvc used for shelter gets sterolized on a regular basis.
In this quarantine system, we run Prazi-Pro in the water column to mitigate the potential for worms and flukes. The fish are also fed medicated food (Metro & Focus) in this system as well as our other systems.
Since most fish suppliers keep their specific garavity around 1.017, we sowly raise it up over the course of a week to 1.023. Raising the specific gravity up more than 0.002 a day could cause unwanted stress/harm to the fish. That's why we take our time to do it right!
"Reef Ready" Retail Fish Systems - These two retail systems are independent and are just over 1,000 gallons each. Before fish enter this system they get one last medicated bath. These systems have the same charactersits as our quarentine system: UV Sterolizer, no liverock, no sand, high flow, K1 media, protein skimmer. Frozen foods are enriched with selcon as well as contain Metro & Focus.

As most of you guys probably know, we are celebrating our 2 year aniversary! We sincerly thank all of you for your continued support!
For those of you that are new to us or have not stop in a while, here is the overview:
Our retail coral display is a 3,400 gallon trough filled with 1,000s of corals and frags for sale! Our coral trough measures 4' x 52' which is the equivalent of having 35 forty gallon breeder tanks of coral. The basis for this system is live rock covered with cryptic sponges, live sand, and a 2 Skimz protein skimmers. Some of this live rock has been with Brian for almost 30 years! On a daily basis we feed our coral Oyster feast, Nutramar Ova, Live Phytoplankton, and Reef Nutrition Roe. On a weekly basis we target feed reef pearls.
Lighting is provided by 17 Ecotech Radion Pro LED fixtures and 2 ATI T5 fixtures. This was a big change considering Brian has been using metal halides for almost 20 years!
The display is kept kept clean by black tangs, powder brown tangs, a tommini tang, kole tangs, melanurus wrasses, six line wrasses, flame pipefish, mandarins, hermits, crabs, stars, and snails.
To help mitigate pests, all of the coral is given baths upon arrival and at certain frequencies afterwards while in our system. For example Zoas/Pays and Acans get fresh water baths. LPS get baths in Flatworm Exit and Coral RX. Lastly, SPS get their dips in a bayer solution.
You may not have noticed yet but Brian made the racks in the frag trough removable to allow for easy removal with the frags in them and then easily fit directly in one of his bath containers! Giving 100s of frags a week their baths has never been easier!

As most of you know we are always on the hunt for rare fish! For example, as I am writing this we have the following rare fish in stock (as well as others): Tigerpyge Angelfish, Joculator Angelfish, Greenei Triggerfish, Black Bandit Angelfish, Black Tangs, Cocopeel Angelfish, Aberrant Flame Angelfish, Hybrid Achilles x Goldrim Tangs, Pin Tail Flasher Wrasse, etc.
We also have favorites in stock as well! Scribbled Angelfish, Male Rhomboid Wrasses, Flame Wrasse Pairs, Purple Tangs, Heniochus diphreutes, Sargassum Triggerfish, Crosshatch Triggerfish, Dwarf Golden Moray Eels, Male Linatus Wrasses, Borbonius Anthias, Sunburst Anthias, Goldflake Angelfish, ect.
I also believe it is worth mentioning that we take pride in feeding our fish a varied diet. For example, fish such as tangs, butterlfies, angels, and moorish idols will get fed seaweed strips or SeaVeggies along with the frozen preps, spectrum pellets, and flake food. We also enrich the frozen preps with Selcon for added nutritional value.

Our fish systems total approximately 3,000 gallons. Here are the specs/process:
Quarantine / New Arrival System - This is an 800 gallon system where all new fish arrivals first go. Upon arrival, newly acquired fish get a medicated bath to mitigate external infections before entering into this system. This quarentine system features a 335 Watt UV Sterolizer, K1 Media, and a Skimz protein skimmer. This system has high flow, bare bottom, NO liverock, and NO sand to help mitigate any disease/pests. The tanks gets scrubbed and the pvc used for shelter gets sterolized on a regular basis.
In this quarantine system, we run Prazi-Pro in the water column to mitigate the potential for worms and flukes. The fish are also fed medicated food (Metro & Focus) in this system as well as our other systems.
Since most fish suppliers keep their specific garavity around 1.017, we sowly raise it up over the course of a week to 1.023. Raising the specific gravity up more than 0.002 a day could cause unwanted stress/harm to the fish. That's why we take our time to do it right!
"Reef Ready" Retail Fish Systems - These two retail systems are independent and are just over 1,000 gallons each. Before fish enter this system they get one last medicated bath. These systems have the same charactersits as our quarentine system: UV Sterolizer, no liverock, no sand, high flow, K1 media, protein skimmer. Frozen foods are enriched with selcon as well as contain Metro & Focus.