What do you dose?

For example, I started with lugols's iodine a month ago and I've noticed that since then my mushrooms have gotten huge
I dose coral vitalizer from Korallen zucht. In my mind, I think it makes me have good PE, but it’s probably snake oil. But seriously....I’ve convinced myself that my corals really like it.

I also dose KZ 4 part coloring stuff when I think about it. Now and then, I’ll give my tank a shot of KZ iodine and a shot it Brightwell iron.

I have no idea if this stuff does anything at all.
I been looking into dosing iodine myself, how much do you add per gallon? How often, and do use use any specific test kit
I should test, but I haven't. I do have a red sea kit on the way though depending on a black Friday sale. I add 14 drops (it comes with an eyedropper in the lid) exactly once a week for about 260 gallons of water volume total, I add less than recommended mainly to stay in the side of caution. I know overdosing on iodine does have issues but what I add seems to keep everything happy.
When I had mostly SPS it was TM balling. Now that I’m mostly LPS and softies I’m using kalk.

Have started using benereef for the LPS I’m curious if I see any changes.

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