80gallon Tank Build with Luke

Tank Series- AI Prime Fuge...& Science!

Let's get this refugium rocking by adding on Aquaillumination's Prime Fuge LED! I'm getting some algae this weekend to put down in the fuge, and this will be great for helping those grow. PS. Ignore that black spot in the video........it didn't happen.......science....


Go try and win a T-Shirt: Instagram -

AI Prime Fuge: https://pafish.me/PrimeFuge

Visit Premium Aquatics: https://premiumaquatics.com
How are the products holding up?

A few pieces of equipment have now been on the system for a few months, so let's go over how well they are working for me and my system thus far!

And yes, I did forget to put in the clip of Ella's reveal of the name of the Premium Aquatic's cat....so here you go! =D

GHL Dosers: https://pafish.me/GHLdosing

Seachem HydroTotes: https://pafish.me/HydroTotes

SeaSwirl : https://pafish.me/SeaSwirl

Klir Filter Roller & Access.: https://pafish.me/KLIR

NYOS Quantum Skimmers: https://pafish.me/NyosSkimmers

Visit Premium Aquatics: https://premiumaquatics.com
Tank Series - One Controller....to Rule Them All.....

Anyone get the reference of the title? =) Don't let me down!!!! This will be part I in a II part series for this installation as we have a LOT of information to go over. So sit tight, buckle up, and enjoy the show.

Visit Premium Aquatics: https://premiumaquatics.com
Tank Series - Controlling Your Reefbrites with the Bluetooth Controller!

We set up the 2nd reefbrite XHO, and taking a looking at a couple ways to control the units and being able to dim them. Check out the items below, as well as the new add on kits for adding reefbrites on to your Radions and Hydra modules. You're not going to want to miss these add-on kits, they're going to go fast! Pre-order them today at the links below!

Reefbrite Controller Standard - https://pafish.me/ReefbriteCONTR

Reefbrite Controller Plus - https://pafish.me/ReefBriteCONTRPLUS

Reefbrite Add-On Kit for XR30/Hydra 52/64 - https://pafish.me/ReefBriteK30

Reefbrite Add-on Kit for XR15 - https://pafish.me/ReefBriteK15

Reefbrite Add-On Kit for Hydra 26/32 - https://pafish.me/ReefBriteK26

Tank Series - Which Food Will It Be?!

This round we'll be testing out the Nyos Artemis! Excited to try this food and the others as the weeks go on, especially as we get more corals in this tank! Stay tuned and have a great New Years!!!! Oh, and go check out the Nyos food on our site!

Nyos Instant Plankton: https://pafish.me/NYOSplankton

Nyos LPS Power: https://pafish.me/NYOSlpsPOWER

Nyos Sweet Aloe: https://pafish.me/NYOSsweetALOE

Nyos Artemis: https://pafish.me/NYOSartemis

Nyos Goldpods (goldpods = calanus): https://pafish.me/NYOSgoldpods

I must say I love the folks over at Premium Aquatics. I got wise and stopped ordering from Bulk Reef Supply. PA can get me my stuff next day which I love. My Bashsea sump, MP40's heaters, rock all came from them. My return also. Keep up the good work.
I must say I love the folks over at Premium Aquatics. I got wise and stopped ordering from Bulk Reef Supply. PA can get me my stuff next day which I love. My Bashsea sump, MP40's heaters, rock all came from them. My return also. Keep up the good work.
Appreciate that! Thank you for choosing us for your reefing needs :)
Tank Series - NEW Corals are going for a DIP!

This week we received some gorgeous new zoanthids from Rob off of Facebook, who has a TREMENDOUS collection of corals!! But, before we put them in the system, we need to make sure they are clean and free of any pests that could have traveled on them. I don't have much doubt they are already pest free, but always better safe than sorry!

Coral RX: https://pafish.me/CoralRX
