What happened here?


Active member
Soooo someone deiced to say my name three times in a mirror and woke rosko23 and me from the dead after 6 years. After looking around, what the heck happened here? It's deader than an overdosed hooker. Everyone leave, or did all the d-bags just move on and it became unexciting?

Yep, big time dead around here. Yes, most of the d-bags also left, so there isn’t a bunch of stupid bickering....but that leaves us with a dead forum. It’s about 4-5 people updating their build threads occasionally and the rest of the activity is just for sale threads.

I spend more time browsing Reef2Reef because there is a lot of activity there and a lot of knowledgeable people. I’m not on Facebook, so I can’t comment on that.
After some life changes I’m back here on CR several times a day, but I was in the midst of a tank build and have very little to share which makes it a very passive role. If anyone is interested in my current uninteresting tanks I’ll be happy to share some unimpressive pics for sake of content let me know.

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Activity is down, and things have changed, but I thing there is a decent number of "old folk" lurking.
Did the hurricane(s) chase you back to the CHI?
Activity is down, and things have changed, but I thing there is a decent number of "old folk" lurking.
Did the hurricane(s) chase you back to the CHI?

Hell naw. Still down in the hurricane belt, wouldn’t trade it for anything. After riding Irma out when it was it’s most powerful (strongest Atlantic hurricane on record when it hit us) anything else is just a sneeze. Just gotta be prepared - hurricane prepped house, generator, supplies, etc., you know they’re coming so you can prepare.

I am considering starting a tank back up. Since Elos has become practically non-existent here in the states now for anything that isn’t $10k I’m looking at a Red Sea. I’m 90% there, just trying to find the right place in my house.
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R2R and RC are the good solid go to. Sad to see the local ones die out.

Forums are a place for knowledge sharing and repository/research (with the occasional a hole bickering). It would be impossible for for Facebook to fill that role, except for the immediate question and bickering.
R2R and RC are the good solid go to. Sad to see the local ones die out.

Forums are a place for knowledge sharing and repository/research (with the occasional a hole bickering). It would be impossible for for Facebook to fill that role, except for the immediate question and bickering.
Local forums also can provide frag swaps for expansion or backup were the other...great for reducing cost and restoring losses.
Hell naw. Still down in the hurricane belt, wouldn’t trade it for anything. After riding Irma out when it was it’s most powerful (strongest Atlantic hurricane on record when it hit us) anything else is just a sneeze. Just gotta be prepared - hurricane prepped house, generator, supplies, etc., you know they’re coming so you can prepare.

I am considering starting a tank back up. Since Elos has become practically non-existent here in the states now for anything that isn’t $10k I’m looking at a Red Sea. I’m 90% there, just trying to find the right place in my house.

Also check out Waterbox. I went with them over Red Sea and I am loving it.