Jumping Back In


New member
Hey folks, looking to dip my toes back into the saltwater realm. It been about 5 years since I had a tank. My first was a 55 gallon freshwater which didn't last too long as I started doing more research on saltwater tanks and felt like I could live up to the challenge. My first salt tank was a 20 gallon long with a clownfish pair and some inverts. Unfortunately, while I was at work, friends stopped by to visit and their unsupervised kid dumped every remnant of fish food I had into the tank which caused it to crash the time I got home. All my livestock croaked and I was heartbroken. I later put together a 40B that was a labor of love and keep my happy until I had to break it down due to a military move. So after a long hiatus I am looking to set up something small since most likely I'll have to move again. Leaning towards either a 10 w/sump or 20L w/sump. Once I decide I'll hopefully start a build thread. See you guys around.

Welcome. If I had to choose 10 or 20, I’d go 20. Maybe look for. Fusion all in one. I liked mine. Good luck
Definitely go bigger than smaller in my opinion easier to keep parameter swings under control and alittle more room for errors...