Coral placement


Active member
Was at work tonight thinking about what coral I plan on buying and where I plan on placing them in the tank. Now obviously light and flow plays a big part in this, but my question more pertains to do you group like corals together or spread them out and mix them or a little of both? For example do you put most of your mushrooms in the same general area of the tank and your lps in another by themselves. Or are there mushrooms all over the tank with some sps, lps and zoas around them? Like I said just something I was thinking about at work lastnight and was curious of everyone's thoughts on this.

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SPS they like high par and high flow so you would place them on the top of the rock. LPS they like medium light and medium flow so you would place them somewhere in the middle. Zoas will take over your rock so I would place them on the bottom on the separate rock. When it comes to the placement you would have visualized how they will look like when they reach full growth and then decide where to put them. In that, remember to have a mixed reet tank is not easy. All corals will NEVER be 100% happy. I have a mixed reef tank and I find myself constantly rearranging corals to find that medium happy place. Any change in flow or light will piss some corals off. Stick with LPS or SPS corals only, it will make your life a lot easier.
SPS they like high par and high flow so you would place them on the top of the rock. LPS they like medium light and medium flow so you would place them somewhere in the middle. Zoas will take over your rock so I would place them on the bottom on the separate rock. When it comes to the placement you would have visualized how they will look like when they reach full growth and then decide where to put them. In that, remember to have a mixed reet tank is not easy. All corals will NEVER be 100% happy. I have a mixed reef tank and I find myself constantly rearranging corals to find that medium happy place. Any change in flow or light will piss some corals off. Stick with LPS or SPS corals only, it will make your life a lot easier.
Right I get all the requirements for different coral. I'm more asking if people group their coral up based on lps, sps, zoas. That type of thing. Or is everything scattered everywhere

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You can group them or spread them up. It’s personal preference. What ever you decide make sure they have enough room to grow.

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You can group them or spread them up. It’s personal preference. What ever you decide make sure they have enough room to grow.

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I know. I'm asking what everyone's personal preference is. I'm asking what everyone does for their own tanks. Trying to start some conversations on here like we used to have back in the day other than mostly for sale threads

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