Astria Star

Any way to kill these star without using the Harlequin Shrimp? Looking for something possibly to add that won't hurt my reef. Have a cleaner shrimp, some snails, and a few hermits.
Tried a Harlequin Shrimp, by my melanarus wrasse had a very expensive meal. Love the wrasse and don't want to try to remove him.
Am hoping for some kind of natural additive....doubt it's out there.
Hating these stars.
I've been doing that. I just feel that they are multiplying quickly. Know of any supplements you could add to wipe them out?
I've been doing that. I just feel that they are multiplying quickly. Know of any supplements you could add to wipe them out?

scoop em up and fill a zip lock and i'll pick em up ,i'm running low and have 3 harlequins to keep fed a nice size bag off Egay and with 3 chocalate starfish a leg every other week .Let me know