copepods and trigger pods


New member
anyone know the water conditions needed to host a good, growing pod population?

my 75 gal is currently cycling, and i want to get a nice population of trigger and copepods going before I really put (m)any fish in.

just wondering when would be too soon to add some pods to the tank.
If you need more pods or need to boost your system we culture them here at MCF for $5.99 a jar.

As far as surviving, I would wait until you register an ammonia spike and then add them. I would imagine after that they would be fine with nitrates as long as the levels don't get crazy high.
I didn't know that! Thats awesome!

Yep! We culture our own pods and rotifers here in the store. We are exploring the possibility of expanding and trying live mysis and amphipods. We'll see. We have a lot of positive major changes in store for the next couple of months.
Yep! We culture our own pods and rotifers here in the store.

Thats really good to know! Are you guys culturing your own phytoplankton also?

We are exploring the possibility of expanding and trying live mysis and amphipods. We'll see. We have a lot of positive major changes in store for the next couple of months.

I especially like the live mysis! I want to try this someday. Please keep us updated!
If you need more pods or need to boost your system we culture them here at MCF for $5.99 a jar.

As far as surviving, I would wait until you register an ammonia spike and then add them. I would imagine after that they would be fine with nitrates as long as the levels don't get crazy high.

my ammonia spike seems to be finished, just need a water change to get my nitrates down and i should be ready for fish.

and i have a fuge as well, but would like to get pods going strong in both so i can add a pair of mandarins in the future.

how many jar(s) would u recommend for a 75 gallon tank?
only problem is ur about an hour away from me.
Yeah, it would be nice if someone closer to get live shrimp from. I know Inland Aquatics sells all kinds of small shrimp and pods, but they are all the way in S. Indiana. Let us know when the culturing starts. May I also suggest detrivore worms (bristle and sphagetti).
YouTube - Pod swarm 2

Mine come in swarms my technique is feed phyto when the lights go off then set your skimmer on s timer to go off for an 1hr then it will kick back on.. By this time phyto is consume by many and everyone is happy including corals...

Oh sorry for the crappy Video it was taken with an iPhone...
I dont' have a fuge. No room under the display. Was thinking about building one that will go above the sump with a pump sending water up and then spilling back into the return, but not sure if I even have room for that.

I know that I have pods, I find them often doing maintenance. One jumped at me when I was changing the sump sock last week.

How can I increase my population? Is it worth buying some at MWC and putting in the sump? Put directly in the display? Will they survive outside of a fuge enough to grow to a sizeable population?