1 system 2 displays

Wife's going to be stopping by reefwise and picking up my new fish today after work
She's the best
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Terrible pics but I probably won't see this guy for awhile so I took what I could get


My amazing wife got me a piece of dry rock to start the aquascape for the 93.... too bad it's the very top piece. She's so funny sometimes

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Since I've been having an issue with gha and my skimmer here's what I did to attempt to fix it. First I noticed alot of detrius in my sump so I gave it a good cleaning today. I soaked my skimmer in vinegar and water for a couple hours. Now it pulls everything. I cleaned the gha off the powerheads. I'm going to clean them better this weekend. Also going to take a razor blade to the back glass and the overflow. Not sure what I can do about the rocks. I tried pulling it off but didn't work very well. I may cut the acros off and and put the rocks in a dark tub for a week or 2 to kill off the gha. Any suggestions?
Try a single brs reactor for gfo. It'll be good when you set up your 93 since your going to be using dry rock and there may be some phosphate
Yeah I think I might do the same but connect my drains and increase the pipe size. I just don't like 2 pipes dumping into 1 sock. Difficult to change
Here's some pics
Some of the frags have been removed from the rock in prep for the 93

As you can see my algae issue on the back left


Think this guy is finally decided to grow... Only took 6 months

If you feed it will come out haha

