12 gallon nano cube


New member
Just got it today and love it. It's all stock. What upgrades should I be doing? I will be changing out the return tomorrow with a rio. What else? The led mood light is not working... I guess and led upgrade is in order too.

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I see a lot of people cutting out baffles to fuge the back. Great mod area for cubes is on nano-reef.com. they will have everything already ddetailed out.

Scotty, thanks for the link. At this time I'm only interested in upgrading the hood to be sps friendly.

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U can get all the led components from bill at reefledlights.com. I have a nano cube led hood from a friend who bought it from him.
I'm seeing Bill tomorrow to pick up the kit. I hope I'm able to fit it under the hood and keep the stock look.

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both make great kits that are semi-plug and play. heatsink and everything is designed to fit right in the plastic hood.
Thanks Scotty... That's good to know... I've seen some other led kits and it ended up as a hack job cause it didn't fit.

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Well from my understanding u do have to put a fan on top of the heatsink to dissapate heat and since it's a small space to work u do have to cut the hood on top for the fan. But u can install a fan cover after. Im in the process of making a fan cover at work
I'm not sure yet... I will post as soon as I get then tomorrow. He has a couple of different options and I will decides then.

That's not bad if I have mount the fan on top.... Do u have any pics?

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It's not done to my liking cuz i didn't do it but I'm Gona make a nice fan cover from stainless steal from work
I will take pics of the cover when it's done I have to form the metal, drill and then paint black first and I'm a lil busy at work so when i get a chance i will finish it up. I made a fuge HOB of tank light I'll post pics when i get home
What size cube do you have? As soon as I get the LEDs I'll put cheeto in the middle section of the filter.

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I have a 12 g nano. And yes I will put cheato also. I'm actually gona measure the second chamber and make a media basket. I have pieces of acrylic plastic already I just need to cut and glue

Now that I figured how to post
Just a couple of pics.
Ideas and comments welcome.

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Nice tank. Those acan is nice. I saw sum 1selling sum but didn't wanna sell separate. Man that's a big frogspawn for a 12g. R u gona put a koralia nano in there?
Thanks... I think its the same person, He wanted to sell the whole setup. The frogs are huge, I ended up fragging it cause I broke when I was re aquascaping this morning...now I have a bunch and hoping to get rid of them to someone who wants them.

I actually put a koralia pico and it blew sand all over with the rotating head. I replaced the return to a rio 900 and getting a lot of flow.... I will wait and see what happens when I start stocking up the tank.