125 gallon acrylic tank build...

Sweet looking tank. How long is that tank? What are your plans as far as filtration , are you going to drill it and put an overflow ?
I sanded and stained the stand and canopy a classic black gloss and changed out handles and hinges. Started seeting up on 8/26.
Tank is 6 foot long acrylic. Its drilled with overflow. sump filtration with rock in first chamber, reef octopus skimmer in second, & return p ump in last chamber. Had a few minor setbacks with bulkhead leaking started filtering water on 9/5.
Thanks for the compliments. I did not want to paint so the black stain is perfect and the gloss finish really looks great. It was well worth the time.

I am currently working on a stock list. I want to do mostly soft coral...leathers, zoas, mushrooms, frogspawns, & hammers, along with a few nems. I want things that will be moving in the flow. Fish list is in the works.

I want to do several tangs that will work together or a group of 3 of the same. Anyone with experience have suggestions? I have really stayed away from tangs as I have only had a 55g prior to this tank.
Here is the final look for the tank. There will be a few more pieces added that currently are in the holding tank with coral or nems on them or housing fish.
Added the things in my holding tank on Thursday the 3rd. Cleaner Shrimp, Fire Shrimp, pistol shrimp, pair of clowns, & a midas blenny.
Put my anemone's in tank yesterday. One carpet and one green bubble tip. Will get some pics and full tank shot. Also plan on putting some frags in tonight.
Here is a full tank shot since adding the nems...carpet bottom left of tank and the bubble front and center. Fish are out and about.
Chad, it was nice meeting you and the Mrs. last night.
Swing by, and I'll give you some seed rock and I'll see what other goodies I may be able to come up with.