125 gallon acrylic tank build...

You're not messing around! That tank is filling quickly. Nice work.

I had much of the stuff in a holding tank from when I tore down my 55 in order to start this tank. I will admit I am very excited to be able to stock a 125 after only having a 55 or less.
The powder brown vanished two days after he was introduced. When I got home from work Thursday he was no where to be found. Wednesday he looked very good, eating and out swimming and picking at rocks. It looked like he was getting along fine with the Atlantic blue but maybe it turned?
The powder brown vanished two days after he was introduced. When I got home from work Thursday he was no where to be found. Wednesday he looked very good, eating and out swimming and picking at rocks. It looked like he was getting along fine with the Atlantic blue but maybe it turned?

Sorry to hear that. Do you think the carpet might have gotten him? I've seen videos of carpet nems eating tangs.
Power head came undone and fell pointing directly on frogspawn and blew it off its heads. It did have a few small heads starting to pop up as new growth so hoping they will come in. Everything else is doing good.
Very nice set up.

Good luck with the frogspawn.

U figure out what else you are gonna stock it with?

Thanks Bill. I plan to put another tang or two and a pair if bangaii's. As far as coral mostly softies...leathers, zoas, and shrooms. Things that will move in flow some hammers, torches, andv ricordias. Not exactly sure.
Long time since I updated. I would say tank is doing good. A few weeks ago I noticed two baby bangaiis in my sump. Didn't even realize my pair was male& female, let alone had eggs. This week my green bubble tip split. Everything seems to be doing well.