125 reef


Hello everybody!!!!! This is my 125 reef. These pictures are taken from my phone. It looks much better live!!!!
Great looking tank Arthur...
Love your fish collection...you must go through a package of seaweed every week
Yea. All tangs, flame and Midas Blenny love seaweed. I buy Nori in chinese store. It is a lot of cheapper than seaweed at pet stores.
Great looking tank Arthur...
Love your fish collection...you must go through a package of seaweed every week
Very nice set up I have a 125 too... You should use photo bucket then copy and insert image then you will get bigger pictures on your thead. awesome fish too
Have her for 3 years. No problems, but I heard that sometimes suddenly can change her mind and start to like corals. I got lucky so far.She lives in her own world,cruising around and nipping only glass and rocks. Looks like nothing bothers her.
Very nice.
The Angel doesn't bother Corals or inverts?
Have her for 3 years. No problems, but I heard that sometimes suddenly can change her mind and start to like corals. I got lucky so far.She lives in her own world,cruising around and nipping only glass and rocks. Looks like nothing bothers her.

Well, I hope she continues to do well for you. I would love to have one, but with my luck, it'll nip corals.
