180g build

Nice sticks. Hopefully I can get color back in mine someday! I'd say the color in the shortcake looks pretty darn good as it is ;)
Well the time has come. Those that have been over and seen my fish room area, have always noticed what a dungean it is and a storage room. Well it is finally time for the man cave project to start.

All framed out. Now need an electrian, I am a plumber so not touching that.

The opening, opened up

Hall way down to the Zen room

Inside framed up, good buddy(booyah) came over to help out last night and in a few hours ready to go



To be continued
Well the time has come. Those that have been over and seen my fish room area, have always noticed what a dungean it is and a storage room. Well it is finally time for the man cave project to start.

All framed out. Now need an electrian, I am a plumber so not touching that.

The opening, opened up

Hall way down to the Zen room

Inside framed up, good buddy(booyah) came over to help out last night and in a few hours ready to go



To be continued

I'm an electrician and don't live to far. Let me know if your still looking for someone.

Ceiling is dry walled and the tank wall. Hope to finish the rest tomorrow night. All I can say is a drywall lift for the ceiling is a must and awesome. Rented , done, and returned back in three hours.
Been a while since my last update.
Had a few issues this summer lost over half of my Sps, but finally rebounding.
Picked up a few corals this week, 3 Aussie Sps frags from aquapros and two colonies from advanced. Below are 2 of frags from aqua, lights went out to soon to take more.

Experimenting with radions now on the rightand mh radium on left
