1st Nano Tank Build: IM 20 Peninsula


New member
Hi fellow Reefers,

I've been in the hobby for 4 years now. First build was a 225 softie tank. A couple friends and I built it mostly DIY. After a few years of success with that tank, we had to tear it down. I told myself I'd take a break and step away from the hobby and I didn't even last a month.

I kept it small to sort of open myself up to the challenges of a nano tank. So I'm starting this thread for two reasons: 1) I wanted to share what I'm doing. 2) I'm really open to input and advice from others in the nano realm. I'm diving head first into it and I know that things can be very different between a system containing 300 gallons and a system containing 20.

So here's what I'm running and some pictures (First pic is of my old 225g)

225 Acrylic display with sump and refugium / water change system flanking to the left.
View attachment 22160

New 20 Gallon Nano Peninsula
View attachment 22161

RO Buddie 50GPD RO/DI installed under kitchen sink and in adjacent cabinet
View attachment 22162View attachment 22163

Mixed all the water in the shower
View attachment 22164

Back chamber of the tank. 1st section is filter sock and heater. 2nd Section is refugium with fuge light on the back of the tank. 3rd chamber is the return pump, Hydrofill ATO sensors, ATO feed line, Probe caddy with pH and Temp probes.
View attachment 22165

Lighting and flow provided by (1) AI Prime and a gyre XF230 with only one paddle assembly on it. (I have another AI Prime (non-HD) with a new fan for sale).
View attachment 22166

Mounted all controls and power to a back panel and routed all wires out the back and bound them nicely
View attachment 22167

Wire management!
View attachment 22168View attachment 22169

Apparently you can only add 10 photos but that's about it anyway.

I welcome all questions and comments and handouts (definitely welcome handouts, haha!)

Looking forward to connecting with everyone and getting this tank off the ground!

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Yeah maybe you can help? It said that the photos were going to be "inline" Can either of you offer some advice on that? I'm new to the whole forum thing.
I used to have in my nano fusion 20 gl a fudge with chaeto. I do not like it to much chaeto flowing around , so no more fudge , my parameters are good so not big deal

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Thanks eddie79!

- - - Updated - - -

I used to have in my nano fusion 20 gl a fudge with chaeto. I do not like it to much chaeto flowing around , so no more fudge , my parameters are good so not big deal

Sent from my iPhone using Thor

So what do you use for nutrient export?