220 Leaked, Fix it or Get A New Tank

resealing is cheap and easy. get your self GE silicone I and give it a try! squeeze a bead along the edge and then take your finger and run it over the bead, pushing it into the crack and creating a nice clean seam. i made my own baffled fuge with overflows like this. DO NOT USE ANTI-MOLD/MILDEW SILICONE. it has arsenic in it and will leach.
I cannot believe that there isn't one person in this club that hasn't done a reseal. That's a big tank and I personally think it would be better to reseal it. Am I'm one that never has any spare time. There are plenty of threads on glass vs. acrylic. You should read them all before you decide.

I have no skills of any kind and it just sounds like a time consuming job, but not a HARD job. Just research first. Ask, ask, ask. Maybe one person doesn't know all but you will learn enough getting bits and pieces from everyone.

You should be able to reseal it where it stands. Set aside an hour a day. Figure out best sealing material by checking out this forum and others. Find out where to get it. Figure out how much you need. Go get it. Scrap off old. Clean with good cleaning materials that you have confidence in (ask what everyone else uses). Apply according to directions and others who have done it. Doesn't all need to be done at once. Let cure. refill tank.

One step at a time doesn't sound like too much if you are not in a hurry.
I aquired a used 135 gallon on craigslist. It was setup at the guys house with no leaks. The move from his house to mine must have broken a seal. I was able to successfully reseal the tank. It was setup in my home for a year and sold to a buddy. He has had it up a good 8-9 months with no leaks to this date. It is really not all that hard if you are atleast somewhat handy. If you want to send me a pm I can walk you through it.