265 Gallon Build (First Ever)

I plan on using shrimp to cycle. How many shrimp is too many in a 265 gallon?

Well BRS sent the replacement piece so now I have RO/DI water. I actually mixed my first batch of SW and it came out great at 1.026. I have been doing some aquascaping and boy is it a PITA. I got everything how I wanted it and when I went to epoxy it together it was like Jenga from my worst nightmares. Enough of that for tonight. Another annoying setback was I painted the back of the tank with latex paint...it came out perfect...until I removed the blue painters taped and all the paint came off with it. I am talking one giant piece of black latex. So spray paint it is. Tank is prepped and everything is covered.

Well Wednesday is the day. I had to bribe 5 co-workers with Brauts and Burgers to help me move the tank into the basement. Exciting times. I will post an update Wednesday after it is in place. Thanks everyone for your advice. Keep it coming, especially different opinions as I like to hear them all. If you have any links that explain why you hold to one way of reefing over another please share them. Till next time...
Your setup looks nice so far. Good luck with the move downstairs.

You should only need a few shrimps to cycle. Basically, they are just to kick start the bacteria population. I would place them in a fine mesh bag or panty hose, anything to keep the decomposing bits from floating all over your tank.

"If you have any links that explain why you hold to one way of reefing over another please share them."
I find Randy Homes Farley articles on water chemistry to be extremely helpful. They are typically not an easy read, and it has taken me multiple efforts on a few of his write ups... but... they are an immense source of knowledge. I also recommend picking up Reef Aquarium Vol I,II,III by Julian Sprung and Charles Delbeek.
Buy a one pound bag and throw in 3 or 4 of the "jumbo" sized ones; more if they're smaller sized. I usually just let them decompose into nothing to start the ammonia spike. Thaw the rest of the bag and toss them into a hot pan with butter, garlic, salt and pepper! :)
The tank is in place!!! 5 co-workers were kind enough to help me out today and we had a nice bbq afterward. I spent the rest of the day plumbing the tank through the wall. I haven't tested the plumbing yet as I only have 80 gallons of SW in the tank, but I started the cycle using shrimp as there is enough water to cover almost all the dry rock. Here are some pics:

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So the tank has been up and running for a few days now, not full of water but enough to cover the dry rock. The shrimp have turned pink, I guess 80 degree water is enough to do that. I realized that either I order the wrong test or DrsFosterandSmith sent me the wrong one, because I have two phosphate tests and no ammonia test. So, I don't know my ammonia level, but I did all the other tests beside PH. If I read them right using API tests and Coralife Salt: Cal 500, Nitrite 2.0 to 5.0, Nitrate 5 to 10, Alk 12 (dkh), and phosphates 10. Does this sound right for only having the tank up for under a week? Not knowing my ammonia can I assume it is present due to the nitrite and nitrate levels and that my tank has begun to cycle? Thanks for helping me understand this whole process. I have read a ton of material and I just want to make sure I am applying what I have read to the practical aspect of reefing.
The shrimp is probably not producing a lot of ammonia yet. They'll decompose into almost nothing and you'll definitely have enough ammonia to start the cycle. I would think you're still a few weeks away from a cycled tank.
Thanks. I still thought it would take several weeks. I just wanted to make sure it was on the right track.
Well after a good 10 hrs of wiring my LED lights to my Apex and wanting to :banghead:, I finally got them working. Nothing on the Apex side, just my own stupid fault for switch polarities at one point. Oh well, they work now. I also did the aquascape, let me know your thoughts on ways to improve it as it is my first one. The bag in the middle is the shrimp, so that will be gone leaving a nice opening. I am thinking of putting the sand in today as well. Here are some pictures:

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Good start for sure,looks like you need 1 more light fixture and maybe play with the rocks to get a nice design going.
Good start for sure,looks like you need 1 more light fixture and maybe play with the rocks to get a nice design going.

I do need one more light fixture, just not in the budget at the moment. I do kind of like the shadow effect though. I have played around with the rocks, I like the minimalist look. I am open to suggestions on how to improve the design, but I want a direction to head in. So any ideas would be great. Thanks.