27 cube build


Active member
So the tank has already been set up and running but catastrophic failure has forced me to shut it down and now im slowly going to rebuild the right way. Heres the equipment so far (had to take some stuff and put it on the 29s).

27 marineland cube
Black stand
250w hqi halide
15gal sump
Reef octopus skimmer either 125 or 150 cant remember
Overkill 200w heater (had laying around)

Heres the plan. Drill 3 holes in the back. Already ordered the bit. Outside 2 holes for draining to sump and center for return pump. Need a mag 7 and 3 fluval sea cp1 circ pumps. Buying piece by piece since I dont have the money to buy everything right now. Im just hoping everything goes ok with drilling id hate to have to buy a new tank haha

Thats all I have for now hopefully some of your guys/girls comments will help me in deciding if this is going to be worth it or if I should go a different way with the tank

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I can drill it for you anarchy and I had the bit 3/4 " right ? My dad has a few glass diamond cutting ones and I've been drilling for ages. Lmk if you need help I'm 5 minutes away
Im doing 1" bulkheads so it needs to be 1 3/4" bit but yes I would love the help

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Lmk if you have that size if not ill have china send me one. Need to keep costs low lol -_-

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I would swap out the HQI for an LED fixture to reduce heat problems with that size tank. I did last year on my cube and it really minimized temp swings in the summer.
Here's the update so far. Bits, bulkheads, and bulkhead screens ordered. Hoping to drill this weekend if everything makes it in. If not then one day next week

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Everything is in! Sometime next week we will drill the tank. Now I just have to find a pump and powerheads

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So I turned the lights on yesterday and the ballast is shot. Horray! Almost time to drill and something else goes wrong
I think 2 holes will be enough! 1" for drain and 3/4 for return.. What sizes are you going with?
1" right now I have everything plumbed from when it was running last and it's all 1" so I don't see a reason to waste the plumbing I have. Besides the mag 7 I'm going to run will need both. Last time I ran the 7 on here I had to almost turn the thing off
Yeah ill just take some money off those frags and can we switch it to sunday. A lot has come up for saturday

Canopy got its first coat today
Since I finally have the tank drilled I was curios if I can De rim only the top so it matches my deep blue 30 that I have. Is this possible? Is it safe? The last thing I want is to De rim it and have it come apart. So please if anyone knows please chime in. Thanks