29 Gallon BioCube Seahorse Tank


Premium member
I thought I would start a thread for my 29 gal seahorse tank. It has been setup for a couple of years as a mixed reef tank...but when I set up my 72 gal bow front a year go, I stripped out all of the fish and corals and most of the live rock. I let the tank go and did basic maintenance on it until around this last Christmas when I cleaned the tank a bit.

I removed all of the old sand and got rid of a lot of the rock rubble that I had in there. I repaced with new sand and I introduced some new pieces of live rock and a couple of softies. I added an "In-Tank LLC" media basket refugium combo alonf with a jbj led light for the fuge. I added some pods to kick things off....

Then a few weeks ago at the frag swap in West Chicago I purchased two H. Erectus Sea Horses (male and female) from Branda...aka Salyorsreef....and began the process of owning ponies. The male seemed to do fine. The female however just did not seem to adjust. Brenda took the female back and swaped a different one. The new female and the male seem to be thriving....

Then a couple weeks ago I purchased two baby bangai cardinals to join the ponies in the tank. I have always enjoyed these fish...but never could have them as I had heard they stress in a community reef tank... These too are thriving thus far.

Well....here are some pics. Enjoy.

Picture of the tank shortly after introducing the sea horses. Note the yellow and pink zip ties as hitches... I got these from Brenda...the ponies just never really used these once introduced. I have since removed them. Also note the Shavers Brush Macro.... I bought one of them....it has since sent out three additional runners that have now grown. These and the big softie are the favortie hitch'n post for the sea horses.

Can somebody write about the basics of Seahorse keeping. I have a nano cube with upgraded pumps to maxijet 1100. are they too strong for a sea horse?
Nino - I would reach out to SaylorReef (Brenda) She is a moderator on this board. She is the one I got my ponies from and is very knowledgeable of sea horses.

I have been told a minimum size tank for a pair of H.Erectus is 20 gals. They do not like a lot of flow.... I am using the stock pump on my oceanic. It is a little strong....but they are adapting ok to it.
Can somebody write about the basics of Seahorse keeping. I have a nano cube with upgraded pumps to maxijet 1100. are they too strong for a sea horse?

How big is your nano, and how high does the temperature get?

You can have higher flow areas with seahorses. Just make sure they are not getting blasted, and there are low flow areas for them to hang out in. Seahorses actually like to play around in a moderate flow area from time to time.

For tank mates, you are limited. Only slow swimming, non aggressive fish. For coral, no stinging coral or anemones. Seahorse.org has a good tank mate guide. See here: http://www.seahorse.org/library/articles/tankmates/tankmates.shtml
I'm hoping to start my my own biocube seahorse tank. Is there any advice or suggestions you can pass on from your experience? Maybe a good seller to get my ponies from?