40g Half Cylinder


New member
This is my first foray into saltwater. I call it my 'training wheels' tank. I started the tank in March but it wasn't starting from scratch - I bought the tank used and bucketed about 20g of the water and the LR. It had a resident damsel, an emerald crab, and a peppermint shrimp. I had it drilled and I built a custom background for it using the crate/pond foam/marine resin method. (Some years ago I had built a background with the insulation board/cement/marine resin method and after having done both types I prefer the insulation board. The pond foam was too hard to work with and too unpredictable, though I do rather like the nooks and crannies exposed when I carved it. I know it might be a repository for detritus but I also see that it's a good breeding place for copepods so maybe the upside balances the downside. Time will tell.)

Then I spent several months trying to balance the chemistry, riding out the massive algae bloom, etc as it cycled. Learning what was the same and what was different from my freshwater setup. Had a lot of fun watching for and identifying the various resident critters.

I started adding livestock to it about a month ago. The damsel ended up tormenting one of the new clownfish and the boxfish to death, so I had an adventure catching that. I bought a second clownfish and it turned out to also be a female, so it and the first one beat the heck out of each other. I had also bought a beautiful white ribbon eel and was shocked to discover it in my sump one day, so back it went too.

Then major disaster struck when I discovered one of the resident critters was a bobbit worm. See my thread 'New and need help' for all the gory details. Madjoe and Richard, MY HEROES!!! came over and dismantled the tank to evict the monster. They put everything back much better than it was. I'm expecting it to cycle and seeing a bit of algae and maybe diatoms now, but so far everything looks healthy and happy. I'll post pictures as it matures, now monster-free. :) I'm a bit battle scarred...
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Man looks good all cleared up . Who ever did that rockscape is the man lol . Looks good hopefully cycle isnt to bad id hold off on any more fish for few weeks just to see how the tank responds to the new sand and rock
Man looks good all cleared up . Who ever did that rockscape is the man lol . Looks good hopefully cycle isnt to bad id hold off on any more fish for few weeks just to see how the tank responds to the new sand and rock

Definitely in a holding pattern although if Matt gets me the clownfish pair I might take them. Probably +1 fish won't do much one way or the other.

Masterful rock work sir! Once I've decided all the corals are where they should be I'm going to glue them down so PigPen the urchin doesn't keep rearranging things on me. Mushrooms continue to wander - hopefully they'll turn up eventually. Frogspawn not fully open even moved out of the flow, so might try a different place tomorrow. Recommendations? It's awkward with that big knob on the bottom of it. What's the best way to get that off? Or should I do something else? I haven't seen the sun coral come out since Thursday, even a little. Maybe it's sulking. The plate coral is super happy - gobbled up a bunch of brine shrimp this afternoon.

Yeah, the water is perfectly clear and so far no spikes in anything. There's a bit of green algae on the sand on the side below the wave maker - probably not much flow down there. I've been trying to suck out any of that slimy stuff when I see it - it's popped up in a couple of places.
Not sure where the urchin picked up a piece of newspaper, and I couldn't get it off. It wasn't done reading yet, I guess.
Not sure where the urchin picked up a piece of newspaper, and I couldn't get it off. It wasn't done reading yet, I guess.

Lol. U can try to cut that plug off as for placement on those kind of corals im not best guy to ask im more of a sps guy . But i believe lower light less flow . Flow is a constant battle imo some like lots of flow while others like little flow . And that shape of tank is even harder u can try turning down the wave maker
Man looks good all cleared up . Who ever did that rockscape is the man lol . Looks good hopefully cycle isnt to bad id hold off on any more fish for few weeks just to see how the tank responds to the new sand and rock

Sexy scape from a sexy dude. Lol
Nice work, you are very inspirational.

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Lol. U can try to cut that plug off as for placement on those kind of corals im not best guy to ask im more of a sps guy . But i believe lower light less flow . Flow is a constant battle imo some like lots of flow while others like little flow . And that shape of tank is even harder u can try turning down the wave maker
What do you use to cut it off and how to disturb the frogspawn as little as possible?

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What do you use to cut it off and how to disturb the frogspawn as little as possible?

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U maybe able to cut the frogspawn off the whole plug then just glue in rock i use bone cuters or saw depending on how it is
I don't have bone cutters. Would a dremel tool work? It's ok to have it out of the water for a time? How far down the stem will the frogspawn be? I don't want to hurt it.
I don't have bone cutters. Would a dremel tool work? It's ok to have it out of the water for a time? How far down the stem will the frogspawn be? I don't want to hurt it.

Yea its ok to be out of water for little while . Demel tool works just cut all the way at base and have glue ready so u can glue it some where
Cool. I hate to glue it before I know it's happy though. It still hasn't opened like it was before.

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Yes, everything else looks great. I think the Monti might even be getting color back in its polyps. I'll post pics tomorrow.

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Where is the frogspawn in terms of the flow as light. Check for too much or not enough to flow. Maybe getting too much light as well.

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That's true, joe. I'll try to cut that knob off and put it a bit lower, but as you pointed out before the shape of the tank makes it hard to find a spot. Maybe I'll see if I can put that little wave maker in instead, though I really like the controlled one. I couldn't find one smaller, do they exist?

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