500G ReefSavvy Rimless Build


Sorry for the misleading title, but this is not a real build.(i know i got Rosko23's attention) The fact is...I have been very bored at work lately so i decided to render a couple pictures and videos of my "dream tank" It will be long before i can ever afford or convince :girl_cray3: to get this tank, but i can still dream.

As of now i have the Rimless bug and love being able to feed, do maintenance, move corals/rocks, without having to open a canopy. To me, a rimless tank could also look very clean and modern. So with my dream build comes a 8'x3'x30" roughly 500 gallon tank made by non other than Reef Savvy. After helping Mlreef with his 420G, i now know the importance of having a deep tank. I used to always want a room dividing tank, but now with the obsession of rimless, i think a 500g peninsula will suffice.

The stand would be raw iron covered with an gunmetal finished composite. This follows for the canopy as well. Two steps/draws would serve as a boost for maintenance and feedings, then just pushed back in to hide them. I saw this material used for another build and it looks and functions incredibly.

Of course since its my dream build, I'm going with 4xmp60wes and a closed loop system

I have always wanted to answer to the question; whats in that door, with; "thats my fish room" Usually a tank of this size would require a separate room. The drains follow through the wall and end up in the first compartment. 2x 2" and 1 emergency drain. The refuge would be a separate tank incase i needed to stop the flow at some point. I would love to be able to change filter socks without having to stop the overflow or remove any lids, hence the sump design. I would have two 40g containers, 1 for RO, the other for salt. Whenever i want to do a water change, i could just shut the valve from the sump, and open the one from the container. making a WC in about 5 minutes.

Again, since I'm shooting for the sky. lighting would be provided by LED's

There will be more images to come, and maybe a walkthrough. each render takes a couple hours. Feel free to comment on your Dream tank.

Rosko23, help me out with the final price of this build. My estimate is $30,000

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In-freakin-credible dream right there. Unfortunately for me if I ha that kind of budget I would be putting it down on a house. Best of luck making the dream reality!
reefsavvy does not make rimless tanks taller then 24"...trust me im 100% sure.

Not true. Just talked to Felix. 1" low iron glass doesn't exist so he said u would need 2 -1/2" sheets with an aluminum brace inside. They can then do 30" tall.
Not true. Just talked to Felix. 1" low iron glass doesn't exist so he said u would need 2 -1/2" sheets with an aluminum brace inside. They can then do 30" tall.

I think you're on to something there Jorge! I think it would be totally awesome!
Not true. Just talked to Felix. 1" low iron glass doesn't exist so he said u would need 2 -1/2" sheets with an aluminum brace inside. They can then do 30" tall.

30" rimless? and how many gallons is their max rimless? I wouldnt want anything over 200 but thats just my opinion.