55 gallon setup

Ok, crisis averted, and after just staying up much later than anticipated (about 1-ish) the water settled back down, and I was able to put in Jim (clownfish) and my critters. I took pics this morning. It won't let me attach them, but I'll get them up at some point
Glad it worked out. For future reference, the cloudiness from new sand should not hurt your fish.
We actually had Jim and Pam, aka the Office couple, but Pam jumped out of the 20 gallon about a month ago sadly. Jim has grown about 50% since we first got him. They were both maybe a 1/2 inch when we picked them up (not mated pair).

So, here are a few pics. Jim's fine, and so are all of his dozen or so critter friends. Going out tomorrow and getting some more critters, maybe a fish too! The LED pic is when the tank hadn't been cleaned on the inside glass after the sand settled, which is why it seems a tad murky.
Just got back from LFS, with snails, hermits, 2 peppermints, a dragon sleeper, and purple firefish. Will have pics soon hopefully!