Havent been on here in what feels like forever. So finally getting around to setting up the 60g rimless cube I picked up last winter. Just need to finish up a little more on my stand and put some baffles in the the sump/fuge. I ended up going with making a stand so i could fit the 27g 20x18 tank under it that i had sitting empty. I am going to transfer most of the stuff from my 24g cardiff and also have 29gallon that is full of liverock that has been running since last December that im going to use the rock for the 60. Everything in my 24 is still growing well and had to take down the the 16g nuvo and reseal the false wall because the silicon was starting to come off the false wall. So here is some pictures of the progress so far. Also for lighting im thinking about using one of the Euphotica 16" 55x3watt led lights that i have along with 4 or more 24" t5s.
The cardiff

a shot of the nuvo 16

the 29g full of live rock

the progress of the 60 cube

painted the 2x4 with gloss black enamel

a shot of the 60 on the stand with the 27g under with some of the equipment I am going to be running on the tank

went with 1/2inch oak plywood and am using an ebony stain. still need to finish the plywood before i start putting it on.

the design i did on google sketchup for the stand. the sump in this was when i was brainstorming on how to have the layout. the skimmer was just one that i downloaded off the database but everything i did myself

The cardiff

a shot of the nuvo 16

the 29g full of live rock

the progress of the 60 cube

painted the 2x4 with gloss black enamel

a shot of the 60 on the stand with the 27g under with some of the equipment I am going to be running on the tank

went with 1/2inch oak plywood and am using an ebony stain. still need to finish the plywood before i start putting it on.

the design i did on google sketchup for the stand. the sump in this was when i was brainstorming on how to have the layout. the skimmer was just one that i downloaded off the database but everything i did myself