65 Gallon Build Lots of Questions!

Lighting Getting IT2040, One for now prob grab a 2nd next gb anf gonna get a smartwave controller and 2 koralia 1400/1500 Pumps. Startiing to look for a CUC, not to sure i what to put together in my 29 gallon i have some blue hermits but man there killers if a snail turns over and im not home to filp it its a gonner, not looking to put them in my 65 gallon been looking at ipsf.com any ideas on what to get?

Reefcleaners.org, ask about a custom package and he will recommend a good setup.
+1 on reefcleaners. I just ordered a 50g quick crew for my 65g last week and it arrived quick. like above said, you can talk to John and he will set up a custom order. Great company. Ordered a cuc a few years ago for my 20long and also got some dry rock this year for my 65.
brs 5 stage 75gpd, I love mine, been running a long time, no issues at all. Easy install. Save for it, you won't regret it. I'm running 0 tds. Only had to change my resin, other filters running strong and good. (my water comes from an aquifer and is pretty good already, tds before resin is only 4, not the city water you all get!) Also, gives me nice crystal clear ice cubes in my fridge!
looking good, jimbo. not sure if those are gsp, star polyps in the 4th picture. but if they are, you might want to put them on an island and separate from the main rock. those will grow crazy and cover all the rocks that they can touch. I have them and put them on their own separate rock.