8 year old LR

One other stupid question the guy said its ok to use the old live sand is that correct? I through it out cause it was nasty and stunk really bad.
One other stupid question the guy said its ok to use the old live sand is that correct? I through it out cause it was nasty and stunk really bad.

If it were me I would have tossed the sand. But I may have sifted through to see if I found anything cool.
Don't use the old sand. I would keep a cup of it though to seed the new sand that you'll use.
Ok thanks which sand would you suggest for a reef tank? I was thinking fiji pink and do I need 100 pounds for a 90 gallon
If you want sugar grain size, don't buy into the hype of expensive reef sand from the lfs or online vendors, go to home depot and buy a few bags of old castle washed play sand, it's aragonite sand and completely safe for your tank, and costs about $4.50 per 40lb bag. 2 bags would be plenty for ya. If its not a clear bag with blue printing and not by old castle then skip on it, only that brand I can verify as reef safe. It may also go by the name kolor castle or something like that, but it will say old castle on the bag somewhere.

If you want that larger grain sand you could still fill your tank with mostly the old castle stuff, and get like a 20-30 lb bag of the expensive stuff to place a layer of on top of the sugar sand, a little trick to save a lot of money. The bigger grains will stay settled on top of the sugar stuff.

No matter what you do, definitely spend a good amount of time rinsing the sand in DI water to remove any dust from clouding up your new tank.
just read thru this i had and have small amounts of that red turf algae its a pain nothing hit it as hard as my ble tuxedo urchin beware they like to move your corals without permission lol
Tropic Eden sand is the best/highest quality out there. You can only buy it at Premium Aquatics as they import it from Tonga. If your going to do a high flow tank do the reef flakes. If not you can use a smaller grain size. Check out my build thread if you want to see pics of it. No need to rinse this sand either.
Thanks and one last question can I keep a naso tang in a 90g?

No, they will outgrow that tank in short order. You can however easily keep a Tomini or Kole tank which will make very short work of that red turf algae and green hair algae problem you have, provided that it's not bryopsis. Mine LOVED red turf algae and green hair algae but it's all gone now.