80gallon Tank Build with Luke

Tank Series - Tropic Eden Branch Rock, Magnets, and GSP

You can make all sorts of things for your tank with some simple epoxy coated magnets and some of the Tropic Eden branch rock! Frag Shelfs, GSP rocks, add to your rockscape overall appearance....the possibilities may be endless! :D

TE Branch Rock: https://pafish.me/TEbranch

Tank Series - Get yourself a Python for your Tank, especially freshwater!

I love this piece of equipment...especially if you have a freshwater tank, I would HIGHLY recommend this one!! FYI, the more you turn on your sink, the more powerful suction you'll get. I didn't have AS strong because I didn't turn on the water at the sink fully. There are plenty of uses to have this piece of equipment in your arsenal!

Python Cleaner: https://pafish.me/PYTHON

Tank Series - Adding another Algae :)

We added Chaeto to the refugium this week, and man is it look good! We'll keep track of the growth and see if we can tell how the tank reacts to the new inhabitant. =D If all else fails with the grape culerpa, maybe we can start selling as the delicacy green caviar like in Japan!

Algaes in the Refuge:
Fern Culerpa
Grape Culerpa
Ulva Lettuce
Unknown Algae

Tank Series - Automatic Testing with the REEFBOT!

New to Premium Aquatics is this wonderful machine from Reef Kinetics; the Reefbot! Make sure to check this out and stay tuned for more videos about the app and see it in action! We are trying a new camera so please bare with me as I test things out. The audio definitely is not as nice when not in front of the camera, so work in progress. :). Thanks for stopping bye!!

Tank Series - Exploring the Reefbot App

If you missed last weekend's video, go check it out as we explored the wonderful Reef Kinetic's Reefbot! So today we're going to take a look at the app that controls everything and how exactly to navigate setting up your tests. Make sure to check it out below!

Last weekend's video showcasing the Reefbot: https://youtu.be/RDzas3OZC5A

Reefbot: https://pafish.me/REEFBOT

Tank Series - GIVEAWAY TIME!!

Goooooood Morning All! Thanks for stopping by, make sure to check out the giveaway for the Ecotech Vectra S2 DC Return Pump, you have several opportunities for multiple entires! The giveaway will begin March 1st, which is when you can start to enter, and last for 2 weeks! Just click the link below, and it'll give you all the details at that time. Must be 18 or older to win.

Vectra S2 Giveaway (Begins March 1st): https://premiumaquatics.com/content/ContestsGiveaways

Tank Series - Testing Par

Sorry we're a day late guys! Under the weather, but let's get to it and test some Par with the Apogee meter! Please keep in mind this is more or less going to give a good reference for what I have going, and show just how easy it is to use this meter. Technically my arm/hand probably got in the way for the reads since it has a wide lens to get the readings. :). But we have some great readings and my corals seem to be loving it! :D. Don't forget to go sign up for the giveaway before it ends!!

Apogee MQ-510 Sensor: https://pafish.me/MQ510

Apogee Sensor Wand: https://pafish.me/SensorWand

Vectra S2 Giveaway (Begins March 1st): https://premiumaquatics.com/content/ContestsGiveaways
Tank Series - Vectra S2 WINNER ANNOUNCED, & a Special Delivery

We finally have fish again, and man are these 2 clowns absolutely stunning! I love their patterns! Congratulations to the winner of the Vectra S2 Jermaine! Make sure to follow along on all our social media platforms to find out when other give aways are and other special events happen!

Go show Sustainable Aquatics some love! We have carried their fish for many many years and appreciate everything they do for this hobby! http://sustainableaquatics.com/

Subscribe to keep up with Luke on his build: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOvCAuCouPgLGE7ZqaA_g2A

Visit Premium Aquatics: https://premiumaquatics.com
Tank Series - Tank Series - Hanna Checker Testing!

Today we are looking at the Hanna Instruments Hi-Reef 2 Test kit. These digital testers are awesome, and I highly recommend checking them out!!

Hanna Instruments Hi Reef 2: pafish.me/HiReef2

Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Checker: pafish.me/AlkChecker

Hanna Instruments Calcium Checker: pafish.me/CheckerCalcium

Hanna Phosphate ULR Checker: pafish.me/CheckerPhosphateULR

Hanna Salinity Meter: pafish.me/HannaSalinity

Hanna 35ppt Calibration Solution: pafish.me/Hanna35ppt

Subscribe to keep up with Luke on his build: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOvCAuCouPgLGE7ZqaA_g2A

Visit Premium Aquatics: https://premiumaquatics.com
Tank Series - Par results for the Reefbrite XHO Lighting

Take a lookie here at what par we're getting with just 4 48" XHO reefbrites. This testing method definitely is not lab grade, but it will give us a great idea of what we're looking at with this particular setup, and I'm pretty happy with it!

Subscribe to keep up with Luke on his build: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOvCAuCouPgLGE7ZqaA_g2A
Tank Series - Super Small Skimmer

We're letting the Nyos take a break from the heavy lifting and passing the torch on to the Tunze DOC 9004 protein skimmer! Let's see what this little beast can do! =)

Tunze DOC 9004 Protein Skimmer: https://pafish.me/T9004
