A hitchhiking anemone?

I'd pull it out and remove it. Better be safe than sorry. Take the rock out and clip the rock it's attached to with a pair of pliers so you don't run the risk of leaving any part of its foot tissue to regenerate. Or you can always use my favorite (3rd time today)...

Those are Epicystus rock anemones. They are fairly common on certain types of live rock (Bali). They'll grow to a few inches across and sometimes display a nice green or red flourescence under actinics. They could potentially sting a coral that was placed right next to it, but for the most part they don't move around much and don't cause much trouble. I'd leave it in place and only take it out down the road if need be.

Edit: apparently this genus is now Phymanthus
Awesome. I was really hoping I could keep it. It's definitely not near anything on the back of my rear wall, so I'll give it a chance to stick around and see what it does. I didn't even notice it until a day or so ago and it's about 1.75 inches long and 5/8 wide! Thanks for the ID.