A Pledge for No Hate on CR

Count me in, I don't know enough about this reef stuff to be a smart *** about it! Everyone I've met through this site has been really cool.
I would never hate on a newbie or otherwise! It's something about this hobby, you get a lot of know it alls and arrogance. I call it the NERD COMPLEX.

Though this site is Kick @## and the people I've talked to don't fit into that category! It's OTHER fish forums!

That being said, I solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but.......wait, wrong pledge. I pledge allegiance, to the flag.......still wrong?

I pledge to be cool, courteous and respectful to all who post on these forums and IRL. In sickness and in health, till death do us part......:-)
i will try lol hey im human herbie i like the newbies its the old cranks that get me going lol happy new years guys
i pledge to not give a rats *** about pledges. I am who i am, that is it, forgot i also dont care who i piss off.
I pledge allegiance to the reefs of the Chicago land area and to the gobies for which we stand!
One community, indivisible, with awsomeness and respect :usa2:
while it is kind of sad that grown as$ people need to make "written" pledges to be nice to each other, I do see that it may be necessary...


I, Danny Chun aka MrDemonicAngel, pledge to try my Asian best to not offend anyone. I haven't been on this forum for that long but y'all are already like family to me so...I hope you feel the same.
i'm in... does it still count if i copy and paste the pledge lol?

I marius swear and commit to be cool and awesome to my fellow reefers whenever possible and if I get sad or mad, I will still be cool. I will remember that CR is like a family (you don’t get to pick who the members are, but you have to hang out sometimes).
I'm not butthurt over it, I just think the point is, if people can't carry on a conversation as an adult, and would rather insult people because they prefer that over debating, then well to be honest, as an adult, I'd rather not put myself in the situation of having to deal with it, and that includes ignoring it. (One hell of a run on sentence.) Everyone has an opinion, I can agree on that. However, there is always a tactful way to do it.
i HATE 2, may be three specific ppl on this forum and would continue to hate them no matter what ..

other than them .. i swear id try my best to not hate anyone else..
I'm not butthurt over it, I just think the point is, if people can't carry on a conversation as an adult, and would rather insult people because they prefer that over debating, then well to be honest, as an adult, I'd rather not put myself in the situation of having to deal with it, and that includes ignoring it. (One hell of a run on sentence.) Everyone has an opinion, I can agree on that. However, there is always a tactful way to do it.
