Add Drainage To Reef Ready Tank


I have an Aqueon 120 gallon reef ready tank that I'm finding areas on the outer sides where the water flow is very low. I've been thinking of adding a few new slots for drainage on the outside and even inside of the overflow areas. Has anyone ever done this or have opinions on doing this?

I'm including a graphic from Aqueon on the tank design.
View attachment 18512
My output tubes on both overflows are in the middle.
what are the drainage tube made of and how thick? I've added slots to my glassholes drains and it can be a little teadious to prevent breakage of acrylic.
1/8" plastic will be pretty brittle. Using a dremel or similar with a plunge cut tool, or even a cut off wheeel will have a decent chance of cracking the plastic. You could try using a soldering iron to melt new slits.