Advantages of Closed Loop system


New member
I see that some people are into the closed loop system. what are the advantages of them? other than you wont have blendered anemones from the propelers. I have seen some tanks with closed loop system and I don't like how some of them look, with all the PVC's in the tank. The other advantage I can think of is that you only need to buy a powerful pump, which is cheaper than buying 2 Vortech MP's.
I'm making future plans on my new aquarium and would appreciate info from closed loop users.
I'm contemplating doing it on my new 40.

- cleaner looking, the huge props you need to move the water, obviously is cluttersome. (people put way too much of that linkline or whatever its called for my liking, I'll be using far less if any)

-guys do it for SPS heavy tanks that need ridiculous flow

-might end up being more expensive.

- if there is an area i need more or less flow, i can adjust it, and not remove flow from other areas.

-if for some reason flow needs an upgrade, just get a bigger pump.

- the biggest deal has to be the cleaner looking aspect though. i thought about doing like jacuzzi nozzles on the back, but that might be too clean, and won't be enough from the side.

(you still need to suck the water from the tank, so there's always that possiblity of a nem getting sucked to death i would imagine)
I always just thought that they looked cleaner and less cluttered. Scott you're right about that flexible black tubing, people do tend to use too much of it and it looks ridiculous.
i has the close loop on my last tank, i liked it clean look, much cheaper than power head such vortech or tunze.... when you need high flow, i used reeflo dart pump on my
I have one on my current tank. Was supposed to be up for a year or so as a test before I upgraded. That was four years ago....

It works fine, I get crazy flow and cleaning the pump is cake. But after all this time I think I'm going to try a wave box.

From what I've seen on YouTube, there is better flow with only one box to clutter up the tank.