Anarchy's 65 gallon


Active member
Hey everyone. So after a 2 year break or so I'm back with another tank. Just couldnt stay away. This tank has been planned out for about the past 6 months now quarantine has really helped light a fire under me and get this tank going. Stand and canopy are built and the tanks are drilled. Basement is ready for the tank.

Plan for this tank is lots of little gobies blennies and inverts. There will also be some bigger fish to fill out the water column.

I'll get a list of equipment up later. Now onto some pictures

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Equipment list
Tank- 65 gallon non drilled tank
Overflow- fiji cube 1200
Light- 2 OR90 light bars 1 blue 1 white, 24" 4 buld t5
Sump- trigger system crystal 36
Skimmer- reef octopus 110 or 150
Heater- eheim jager 200w
Return- quiet one 3000
Fuge- 36x12 1/2x16 3/4 30 gallon tank
Cheap wave makers
Brs dual reactor
Gravity fed ato

Heres 2 aquascape options I've come up with. I want a ton of rock touching the sand for all the blennies and gobies. Also having lots of rock would be nice for all the inverts I want also.

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I like the look of Rockscape #1 and Rockscape #4. Both have nice caves for fish to hide to escape aggression. Is the plywood the dimension of the tank? If so, I would be cautious of having enough space to clean the glass. How do you like that Fiji Cube overflow? I'm looking to get the 600 GPH one for a nano build I'm putting together.
I like the look of Rockscape #1 and Rockscape #4. Both have nice caves for fish to hide to escape aggression. Is the plywood the dimension of the tank? If so, I would be cautious of having enough space to clean the glass. How do you like that Fiji Cube overflow? I'm looking to get the 600 GPH one for a nano build I'm putting together.
It's close to the same size. The plywood is a little smaller than the tank.

As far as the overflow build quality seems super nice. Haven't ran it yet though.

Another aquascape. Just a little taller to give more depth

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Now that I know dimensions.....and this is just my personal preference....I would take out the rock in the middle to leave some negative open space for fish to swim. I like the new height on the left structure. You definitely have a knack for stacking rocks...Lol.
Now that I know dimensions.....and this is just my personal preference....I would take out the rock in the middle to leave some negative open space for fish to swim. I like the new height on the left structure. You definitely have a knack for stacking rocks...Lol.
Yeah I think I want to put a small flat rock there like the brs base rocks or shelf rock. Just to put a show piece lps or something. Let a gold torch just grow huge there

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Good call. I think that would work better. Look forward to seeing how this progresses. I'll be working on my aquascape sometime this week. Wish me luck!!!!
Good call. I think that would work better. Look forward to seeing how this progresses. I'll be working on my aquascape sometime this week. Wish me luck!!!!
Good luck. This is the most difficult part for me. I'm never satisfied with how my rock looks. This tank has had a ton of planning and I know exactly what fish and inverts I'm getting for it. I'm trying to make everyone happy. I think this made my aquascaping a little easier this time

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Good luck. This is the most difficult part for me. I'm never satisfied with how my rock looks. This tank has had a ton of planning and I know exactly what fish and inverts I'm getting for it. I'm trying to make everyone happy. I think this made my aquascaping a little easier this time

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I love and hate aquascaping. I love the creative aspect of it, but hate how time-consuming it is. I’ve only ever done it under water too, so that makes it even harder. Plus, I epoxy/superglue the rocks together, so it takes forever.

By the way, I like this one best, but lose the middle rock on the bottom. I wouldn’t go higher. Let the coral do that for you. Glad to see you’re back in the game!
I love and hate aquascaping. I love the creative aspect of it, but hate how time-consuming it is. I’ve only ever done it under water too, so that makes it even harder. Plus, I epoxy/superglue the rocks together, so it takes forever.

By the way, I like this one best, but lose the middle rock on the bottom. I wouldn’t go higher. Let the coral do that for you. Glad to see you’re back in the game!

In that structure the taller rock is only 13" tall in a 25" tall tank. Feel like it just may be too short. Thought maybe 16-17" would be better. That last rock on top will be added after the main structure is put in the tank. Once it's all inside the tank itll be easier to decide on heights and what looks right.

It's good to be back. Just couldnt stay away.

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@Sawdonkey @rockhead @Spartanman22 @tinman @Smitty

I need some help from you guys on my fish list and if you guys know if they will work together or not. From my research I think they will, but I know you guys have been around longer than me and we've all had different kinds of fish over the years so here goes

I want to have alot of the smaller blennies and gobies along with alot of inverts. Theres also going to be a 30 gallon fuge. Couple of questions before I get to the fish list.

How many pistol shrimp can I keep in the 65? Theres going to be alot of rock on the sand bed for them to burrow around.

What kind of fish/inverts can I put in the fuge? I was thinking maybe a dwarf lion and a fighting conch.... maybe something else could go in there?

Heres the fish list

Scopas tang (i know will get too big and have to be rehomed)
Squaretail bristletooth tang
Hi fin red banded goby
Tasha white ray goby
Wheelers shrimp goby
Tangaroa goby
Black barred convict goby
Wide barred shrimp goby
Black ice clown
Black snowflake clown
Blue green reef chromis
Panamic barnacle blenny
Mexican barnacle blenny
Tailspot blenny
Pink streak wrasse
Black nox dwarf anglefish

Astrea turbo
Banded trochus
Super tongan nassarius
Zebra turbo
Bumblebee bee
Spiny star Astreas
Mexican turbos

Harlequin (maybe)
Bumblebee bee

Purple short spine pin cushion urchin
Halloween urchin

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hey Buddy
how did i miss this thread .. welcome back :)

as per fish IMO just cause you asked think thats too many fish haha .. although they are small fish but they would fight over territory ..

i never kept blennies much so im useless in that section .. but i love Tail Spot and midas blennies :)
hey Buddy
how did i miss this thread .. welcome back :)

as per fish IMO just cause you asked think thats too many fish haha .. although they are small fish but they would fight over territory ..

i never kept blennies much so im useless in that section .. but i love Tail Spot and midas blennies :)

Yeah territory was a concern of mine. Supposedly the small goby species and the small blenny species dont have the same aggression as the bigger species, but with that many they may not have the room.

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A few things have happened recently. I didnt touch this tank for probably 6 months and now that its getting cold and we are inside more. Well now I've been messing with it and its basically done. Only needs sand, to be filled, and a light bracket

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Tanks filled with freshwater to test everything. Looks like everything is good now. I'll probably drain the whole system add the sand and fill with saltwater this week and get the cycle started.

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Its the little projects that make the system look better. Ato looks alot better now

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