Another new guy to the community


New member
This is my second go around with a saltwater tank. I just got a 54 gallon corner tank. Unfortunately, it seems that there are no good hoods out there to be purchased. So if anyone has any good corner hood plans out there I would like to hear about them.

I was also wandering what people use for filtration. I am planning on using about 54 or more pounds of live rock, but I have read that people also have canister filters that they run just a couple hours a week to help keep the tank clean. Or is it better to have lr and a sump and drill the tank? If anyone could chime in on that as well it would be helpful.

Thanks for all your replays.
Welcome! I don't know of any good plans for a corner tank hood but have you considered running it topless? For filtration you could go with a HOB or canister but a lot of people go with a sump. You wouldn't HAVE to drill it and could go with an overflow box. I'm planning on a sump but right now I use a HOB filter with LR and a skimmer.
I would run a sump with skimmer, Hoods are you can make one yourself or look around on eBay or Craigslist!

Welcome aboard! LR is good, but should only be part of your filtration process. I good skimmer is a must. As trackfast said, using a hang-on-back overflow box (or filter) is a great alternative to drilling the tank.

Glad to see new folks out my way :thumb:
I do have a Remora Skimmer from the first time that I put a tank together. So I was thinking about putting that back on the tank.

There are just so many converstations about people just using Live rock and a skimmer or adding a sump. I am just looking for what is the best option. Maybe it is a preference thing on how people run their tank. I was just looking for a definitive answer.

What about having a canister just to run a couple hours a week to cycle the water.
I do have a Remora Skimmer from the first time that I put a tank together. So I was thinking about putting that back on the tank.

There are just so many converstations about people just using Live rock and a skimmer or adding a sump. I am just looking for what is the best option. Maybe it is a preference thing on how people run their tank. I was just looking for a definitive answer.

What about having a canister just to run a couple hours a week to cycle the water.

Cycle as in circulation or cycle as in promoting good bacteria growth? BTW, don't drill if your tank is made of tempered glass.
I guess as in circulation. When I had a tank before all I had was LR and my skimmer, but i also had a ton of brown debris that settled on the LR that was tough to clean up. I just thought that running a cannister would help circulation and clean the debris. THoughts??
How long did you have the tank up? It could have been diatoms which usually burns itself out. A good CUC would help also. Circulation and cutting down on excess nutrients is good for preventing/getting rid of cyano; which is more of a red color. For debris, you could use a filter sock on the sump or a HOB still.
It was up for over 1 year, but then I had to take it down when my son was born. He is now five and I am exicted to bet back into the hobby.

What does CUC stand for?

What is a good brand for a HOB?

When I bought my new tank, off of craiglist, it came with a fluval 404 and I was not sure that I was going to use it or not. As I was doing my research I didnt know if it was a good brand or model to use.
For a HOB filter I like AquaClear. Big media compartment ; easy to clean. I've never used a Fluval so maybe someone else has an opinion on them.
Hagen/ Fluvals are good. I'd say right behind Eheim.

For an HOB the new Fluval C series are amazing. They basically used a canister style filtration and put it in a standard HOB filter housing.