Another new guy

If you look at the large rock on the left hand side of my tank. (3rd picture I attached)
The middle of the rock.. that is a frag of Zoas.
The pump return flows straight to the bigger colony :/
My brother is coming over later for the Blackhawks game and I'll ask him to bring his DSLR. I'll get some better pictures up. You'll be able to see my frags in detail.
I got them from Dave actually.
Did the Hydrogen Peroxide dip last night.. 3:1 for about 10 minutes.

Its amazing all the stuff that comes off of the Zoas.

I hope when I get home from work they'll be nice and wide open.
Welcome to CR. If your in need of some Ro/di until you get your own let me know I make 125 gallons every week so 5 gallons isnt that big of a deal to me just don't make a habit of it for say after a month or so. I'm in joliet also lmk if you need it. My tds levels are always "0"
Welcome to CR. If your in need of some Ro/di until you get your own let me know I make 125 gallons every week so 5 gallons isnt that big of a deal to me just don't make a habit of it for say after a month or so. I'm in joliet also lmk if you need it. My tds levels are always "0"

hey man thanks

Im waiting to hear back on a RO/DI unit.. Waiting for him to let me know when I can pick it up.

Thanks for the offer, I might take you up on that!
Well that unit was sold on me (even though I was told I can have it)

My Zoa's opened very very little, something is still off in my tank :/