another shrimp compadability post.. (sexy shrimp)


I know some species will fight/territorial or just want to rip the legs off of sexy shrimp (yeah that's right coral banded shrimp.. im calling you out...)

Just wondering... what small inverts WOULD work with sexy shrimp? If there are any, is tank size and issue or will they pretty much completely ignore one another?
i have 2 sexys, two peps, 1 emerald and a bunch of blue and red herms. all are very happy. (Also about 2 of every kind of snail). The sexys use the nems as food nets, but I have no concerns with my invert mix.
i have 2 sexys, two peps, 1 emerald and a bunch of blue and red herms. all are very happy. (Also about 2 of every kind of snail). The sexys use the nems as food nets, but I have no concerns with my invert mix.
herb, you have clowns? i have heard to b careful with sexys bc they will kick the clowns out that are hosting the nem.. any truth?
my clowns never even sniffed any of my nems, but they love my pom-poms and stay in there. I really can't imagine the sexy's kicking anything out of anything. They just flit away the second anything comes close.
I had sexy skrimps with 2 peps and a cleaner. The cleaner killed the peps but never touched my sexy skrimps. They were booted though. I found them nibbling on my SPS. They cleaned entire patches off my stiks.
are you sure they wern't cleaning up as it RTNd or something? Your experience troubles me, but mine have not bothered anything. Also, they have sexy's in a tank with acros at Brookfield Zoo (Hilarious when my son screamed "Look dad, Sexy Shrimp!" in front of all tthe other familes looking in the tank). I hope I never have to boot them (Or even try to catch them for that matter).
I dont think its too unheard of for sexies to pick at corals if not fed/ spot fed.

Anyways, i was hoping to see if a skunk cleaner would bother them.. otherwise the only other crabs/shrimp would be 2 or so pom pom crabs, 3 or so porcelyn crabs, and possibly some more sexies! (upgrading my 10g to a 20g soon...) also have a blue tux urchin but i dont think he makes much of a difference..

overall, 5 or so sexies, a cleaner skunk shrimp, and porcelyn and pom pom crabs.
are you sure they wern't cleaning up as it RTNd or something? Your experience troubles me, but mine have not bothered anything. Also, they have sexy's in a tank with acros at Brookfield Zoo (Hilarious when my son screamed "Look dad, Sexy Shrimp!" in front of all tthe other familes looking in the tank). I hope I never have to boot them (Or even try to catch them for that matter).

No, he was definately eating my Purple Stylo. I've read they can start feasting on SPS when they get hungry if they aren't fed well, but mine were and they still chewed on it. I brushed him away and he moved to another SPS. A day later, he had cleared off a patch on the new coral. After he showed interest in another it was time to pull all 3 of them. They now reside in Cecily's tank.
No, he was definately eating my Purple Stylo. I've read they can start feasting on SPS when they get hungry if they aren't fed well, but mine were and they still chewed on it. I brushed him away and he moved to another SPS. A day later, he had cleared off a patch on the new coral. After he showed interest in another it was time to pull all 3 of them. They now reside in Cecily's tank.

that is disturbing. I'm pretty sure I will not be able to catch mine. Fortunately I only have 3 pieces of SPS or so and no trouble yet. (I also overfeed like a fool).

sorry for the hijack (and apparant lack of good advice).
I think the sexies are way to fast for the skunks so it shouldn't be a problem. I would love to have more in my tank but my current crustacean list already include teh following:

2 Harlequin Skrimps
1 Zebra Porcelain Crab
2 Pom Poms
2 White Spot Anemone Shrimps
4 Trapezia Acro Crabs
Handful of Scarlet, Black & White Legged, Blue Knuckle, Tiny Zebra Hermits

I'm currently on the hunt for 2 tiny Sally lightfoot Crabs
i have two sexy shrimp, 2 peppermints, a harlequin, a coral banded, and a fire shrimp. no problems, though one of my sexy's do hide a lot while the other stays near the front of the tank. i also have three emeralds and a couple dozen hermits with a lot of nassarius snails, once again no problem with them.