any clue what happened


New member

Yesterday i purchased 6 sexy shrimp. I placed the shrimp in my 5 gallon ric tank. I have 3 rock flower nems in that tank as well as a ton of rics. I also had 3 pom pom crabs that i have had for a few months.

So here's my issue all my inverts died. I don't know why. All 6 shrimp-dead, 3 pom poms-dead, pods found floating dead, and im not sure about the snails in the tank. They are in the rock work or under the sand right now.

As for the tank. I did a water change on Saturday. Changed out 20%. I religious do water changes of 20% bi-monthly in all my tanks. Current water parameters are: temp 77, nitrate 0, alk-8.7, cal-410, ph-8.2 salinity- 1.024, Mag-1200.

Is there a disease the shrimp could have had?
I cannot say for certain, but my guess is that it was not a disease. I only say this because my assumption is that most diseases are species specific and if this was an illness I wouldn't think it could affect shrimp, crabs and pods. I could be wrong, but my inclination is contamination. Perhaps a cleaning agent sprayed nearby, or something contaminated your salt bucket when you did the wc...? Just guessing here.

Are you running carbon? If not, I'd run some right away.

P.S. Sorry for the loss :(
Sounds like a contaminate. Trace your steps back to the water change. Find all of the tools used and ask your family if they use those items for anything. How were they cleaned last time? Were they in the dishwasher?

Also, did you see the LFS bag the shrimp? If so did the water come out of the same tank? If not maybe the other tank was treated with copper. Did you pour the water from the bag in your tank?

Sorry for all the questions!
Sounds like something got in water either with the shrimp or on u hands or bad water change idk never heard of this besides heater malfuntion or bad water
Rich, you bought some Fish as well yesterday right? Is it a possibility that you acclimated the Fish & the inverts together? Or did you add any fish/ water in the fish cover into the tank with inverts?