Any Idea What This Is?


New member
Ok So maybe this isnt anything at all but I have been watching this thing in my tank now for about 3 weeks. The tank is about 6 weeks old. I do not know if the picture will be clear enough to identify but maybe some ideas will help me look online for a better picture.

Let me describe it also. Its deep down in the rock. Its white and I would say its a little larger than a piece of rice. It looks like a really white piece of rice standing on end or that is all I can see down in the rocks anyway. Something tells me its nothing but it does open up like a flower and does close but it has remained the same size. Its very white also. Let me know what you think.
looks like a small sponge
they will pop up all over in dark places in your tank. they just clean your water a little bit. they are not bad they are good.
Thanks guys. So just let it be and others if I see them? That is what I will do unless I hear otherwise.