Any of you dabled with octos?

Yea bought one was awsome did great for few weeks found out it was female laid a million eggs and then died. They dont live long after babies hatch they die cause they dont eat no more. Wasnt prepared for babies so they died too. Even males live like 1 to 3 yrs depending on kind abd since come from ocean who knows how old they r. And they r smart bastards buddy had one in tank next to his reef and fish went missing he would hop tanks and go back to his tank. Was cool til he took wrong turn ended up in bedroom and sied on his pillow. True story
hers a pic she was so cool looking
buddy order it hes gone through tons of em looking for a cool one hes crazy lol if it dont interact he gets rid of it
I'll most likely be doing octo in this tank, just trying to get an id on the one at work so I can estimate how big of a tank is needed...Currently have a 65g
oh yeah i know, also need to proof any power heads, heaters, intakes and overflows etc etc. Anything small enough for its beak to get through is large enough for the octo to get through, just not sure what to use to cover all of those things.... ideas?
Octopi and cephs in general are easily my favorite marine creatures. I'm fairly new to keeping a tank, so I wouldn't dare try and keep one, but if you are serious about it I would recommend checking out TONMO (The Octopus News Magazine Online) Quality website that is exclusively about cephalopods, that also has a great forum for people that keep octopodes.