Any one going to Aquatic Experience

how early do you guys think it would be best to get there, and should I buy advance tickets or just pay at the door? Anything I should bring with me to make the experience better?
I believe I am going on Saturday, will be my first time going as well. Hopefully there are some good prices, we will see. I heard about the raffles and that's what I am most excited about!
I would say its worth going any day. This is a true expo and not a Swap or show. If you go there thinking its a frag swap, you will be disappointed. Don't get me wrong, you can buy coral there, but a majority of the show will be non livestock vendors. For everyone that hates the frag swap mentality in regard to raffles, you will probably like the raffle here better. Its at the end each day so you have multiple chances to win. They raffled off all of the display tanks on Sunday last year and you had to take them home that day, so there is a chance to win a tank - they had like 20 various sizes from nanos to 75s last year. Sunday was the most hectic raffle day if I recall.

O yeah - and today is really "industry" day - I believe Friday is when they invite all of the stores to come out before the weekend hobby crowd. So don't think that all the good stuff will be gone. Most of the stores are going to talk to the reps and not buy coral.

As for Fenner being there, him and a ton of other legit "industry" people will be there - Jake Adams, Sanjay Yoshi - just go check out the speaker list!

If you are all about aquarium stuff, your 10 bucks will be well spent. If you have time to go to the speakers, your $30 will be well spent just check out their topics before you go so you know if they are of interest.

I checked out the list of vendors and many of the normal guys will be showing off their stuff, plus some local stores, plus Mr. Fox appears to be there if you are into expensive corals.
I'm considering Saturday as long as CMAS doesn't have a hand in it. Wish it was $10 go get into the seminars too and not just the exhibit floor, $30 isn't bad either though.