Any sea horse keepers??


New member
I tried several years ago to set up a pony tank and I say tried becuase it did not last long. I am thinking about aing a new tank and doing a pony tank, looking for tips or advice, this will be a complete new set up so size, filtration, etc. will be pony minded from the ground up. I am thinking about 2 or 3 pairs , H kuda, h fuscus and a pair of h erectus.
If you're new to horse keeping, I'll suggest the awesome FREE class offered by Pete Giwonja at - Seahorse, Sea Life, Marine Life, Aquafarm Sales, Feeds and Accessories - Home here's a site that has some care sheets: - Seahorse, Sea Life, Marine Life, Aquafarm Sales, Feeds and Accessories - Care Sheets and a site that has some great resources. - Library
I hope that helps.
there is a lady from joliet that seams to be the seahorse guru she is on joliet area reef club she knows her shit I think her name is Diana
I have had a 29 gal oceanic BC set up since the first of the year....waiting for the right sea horses. I have loaded it with some softies...two types of Gorgonians a bunch of macro and a really good culture of pods.

Smitty, thanks for the link above. I will also use that as a resource. Phil, I would be interested to learn more about your plans.
I am currently raising seahorses. If anyone needs any help let me know. I will be bringing some to the CMAS Swap!