Anybody keeping Harlequin Shrimp with Halichoeres Wrasses?


Active member
I am having a little outbreak of Asterina Stars. I was thinking of getting some Harlequin Shrimp and see if that would help the problem. If anybody has tried Harlequins for Asterinas and has not had success please chime in as well as I know these kind of stars aren't their main choice. I have a Grey Head Wrasse that really doesn't bother anything. It might grab a snail once in a blue moon and just toss it across but doesn't attack anything. The stars don't seem to be bothering anything but they are becoming a little more than I would like and they are absolutely tearing up my Coraline which I love. I kinda of want to see the odds if there are any people out there doing it with any kind of shrimp at that. TIA
When i had my harlequin it took forever for me to notice a change in the little stars if any. i housed it with a pair of rwd lines a couple tamrins a yellow corris a dusky at one point and a few other wrasses all of which never bothered it. i noticed it was pretty easi to find the harlequin since the stars would always be on oppiste side of tank.. never actually seen it eat the little stars
When i had my harlequin it took forever for me to notice a change in the little stars if any. i housed it with a pair of rwd lines a couple tamrins a yellow corris a dusky at one point and a few other wrasses all of which never bothered it. i noticed it was pretty easi to find the harlequin since the stars would always be on oppiste side of tank.. never actually seen it eat the little stars

Did you notice a change in the population of the stars?
In my first 65 gal. I had an outbreak of asterina stars. They were everywhere. I got a Harlequin shrimp and it took about only two weeks to notice a big change.After another two weeks I could not find any asterinas anymore.I saw it eating asterina star the first day I put him there.After that time I had to feed him live stars every couple of weeks.