Anyone have a Sohal Tang?


New member
Wow this is looks great. Just wanted to see if anyone had and what they though of it.

I had one a few years back in my 125 he grew to be about 9-10" with the streamers, as I started up my 450 and I must of not accilmated him slowly enough or something he died on me for no reason. Still wonder what happened. I was very upset about it then and I still feel bad today just thinking about it
On the another note he was a very cool fish but was getting to be very dominant and aggressive. He would change pure black when he felt threatened.
I'll see if I can get a pic of him in my old tank.
Here's a couple pictures that don't do his size justice as an adult.

When I first got him small about 3-4 ".

A few more. I always thought this was a cool picture.

Adult pics.



Close up.

I still wish to this day he would have made it to enjoy the 450.
I have a large sohol in tank with other large tangs...Unicorn, vlamingi, male blonde nasso
Tank is 8"x3"...about 240 gal...he/she loves to swim.
He/she was the last fish added so not too aggressive towards other fish..but that can change given their reputation.
If you are considering, i would add as the last fish-if not, any fish after may not fair so well..