Anyone have luck keeping 1 anthia?

I have an anthias and it's doing great. they need to either be alone or groups, I heard they fight alot in pairs, unless true mated pair.
We tried a single purple queen and it pretty much just shut down, wouldn't eat and never came out of hiding. I'd stick to small schools of 3+ if it's in the budget.
I have one Lyretail Anthia,one of the easier anthias to keep for almost 2 years now.I also have Sunburst Anthia and it is doing great too.No fighting between those two.They don't need to be in group to do well.You do want to feed Anthias at least two times a day.If I was you with your tank size I would get a nice group (male +3-5 females) ,they look cool in groups.
We tried a single purple queen and it pretty much just shut down, wouldn't eat and never came out of hiding. I'd stick to small schools of 3+ if it's in the budget.

Purple queen anthia is one of the hardest anthias to keep and feed.Most of the time it wastes away and will not eat.Some people have some success keeping purple queens feeding them 3-5 times a day with food particles no bigger than 1mm,they will not touch bigger food.Stick to Lyretail or Bartlett anthias ,they are easy.
Yeah, I may need to go another direction, I've heard about the multiple feedings, likely isn't in the cards