AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival & Coral Show / Frag Swap (Chicago, Illinois) - September 28 and 29, 2019


Everybody is invited to the AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival & Coral Show / Frag Swap in (Chicago, Illinois) :)

- 104 Vendors and Companies from All Over the Country
- Guest Speakers
- YouTube Celebrities
- Artists
- Professional Aquascapers
- Huge Raffle
- Beautiful Art Room
- Contests

- and Much Much More

Aquashella showcases the underwater world of saltwater and freshwater aquariums in Chicago, IL on September 28th and September 29th. You'll be greeted by the best aquarium vendors from across the country! Aquashella offers a unique experience by transforming a typical showroom floor into an alternate underwater universe. You will be surrounded by incredible visual displays of live aquatic animals in unison with art. The official lineup of 104 vendors, and artists featuring paints, sculptures, and designs.


Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29


10:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Saturday
10:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Sunday


White Eagle Events & Convention Center
6839 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Niles, IL 60714

For More Info Please Click the Links Below.

The Facebook Event Page is

Tell All Your Reefing Friends About It :)

Don't Forget to Request Time Off Work if you Work Weekends.

Here is the "Facebook Event Page" for the Event.

Click "Going" Under the Picture with the Person standing in Front of the Aquarium at the Top of the Page to Let Everyone Know You Plan on Attending :)

You will also Receive Updates and Reminders about the Show if you Click "Going" :)

Invite all Your Reefing Friends Too so they Can Join In on This Awesome Event :)

EVERYONE Please Remember to Mark "Going" or "Interested" on the AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival & Coral Show / Frag Swap in (Chicago, Illinois) Facebook Event Page.

It will help us get a good idea of how many people we should expect to come to the Event so we can plan accordingly.

Also, Please "Share" the Event on Your Facebook Page or any Reefing Facebook Groups that you are in as it will Help Get the Word Out about this Awesome Event.

Lastly, Please "Invite" any Reefing Friends that you have on Facebook.

Click on the Facebook Link Above for More Info.
A Few Show Tips for Both Newbies and Veterans

1. Don't Forget Cash. Some Vendors will Take Credit Cards, but Others are Cash Only.

2. Bring a Small Portable Cooler to Store the Corals that you Bought In.

3. Doors Open at 10:00 AM and the Event Ends at 7:00 PM on Both Days.
- VIP Entry is 10:00 AM
- Early Bird Entry is 11:00 AM
- General Admission is 1:00 PM

4. Be Aware of How Much Time You Take Talking to a Vendor if what Your Discussing Doesn't Involve Buying Something. Vendors are Very Helpful and Knowledgeable and Most Will Try to Help You, but Please be Conscious of the Fact that Vendors are There to Sell and Not to Explain How to Rid Your Tank of Nuisance Algae (For Example).
The AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival & Coral Show / Frag Swap in (Chicago, Illinois) is less than 4 Weeks Away !!!!!!!!

Don't Forget to Request Time Off Work if you Work Weekends. :)

Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29








Saturday 11:00 - Mr. Saltwater Tank - Mark Callahan
Saturday 12:00 - Melev's Reef - Marc Levenson
Saturday 12:00 - Duane Oestreich
Saturday 3:00 - Richard Ross

Sunday 2:00 - Austin Lefevre
Sunday 3:00 - Joe Yaiullo
The AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival & Coral Show / Frag Swap in (Chicago, Illinois) is just 3 Weeks Away !!!!!!!!

Don't Forget to Request Time Off Work if you Work Weekends. :)

Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29
The AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival & Coral Show / Frag Swap in (Chicago, Illinois) is just 2 Weeks Away !!!!!!!!

Don't Forget to Request Time Off Work if you Work Weekends. :)

Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29
The AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival & Coral Show / Frag Swap in (Chicago, Illinois) is just 1 Week Away !!!!!!!!

Invite all of Your Reefing Friends :)

Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29
The AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival & Coral Show / Frag Swap in (Chicago, Illinois) is just 2 Days Away !!!!!!!

For More Info Please Click the Links Below.

The Official Web Site is

The Facebook Event Page is


Saturday, September 28
Sunday, September 29


10:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Saturday
10:00 AM to 7:00 PM on Sunday


White Eagle Convention Center
6839 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Niles, IL 60714

Invite all of Your Reefing Friends :)
Had a Great Time at the AQUASHELLA 2-Day Aquarium Festival !!!!

Big Thanks to George and Shawn for Hosting the Show and Everyone Else that Helped Out.

Can't Wait for It Again Next Year :)